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    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury

    Admin Assist
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    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury Empty During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Dec 2019, 1:21 am

    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury

    08:59 - 23/12/2019

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    The information / Baghdad ..
    The Integrity Commission announced on Monday that it was able to stop the waste and seize the return of more than two trillion and 140 billion dinars during the current year, to the state treasury, while confirming the issuance of more than four thousand arrest and recruitment orders.
    The head of the commission, Salah Nuri Agency, said in a statement reported by the official “Al-Sabah” newspaper and seen by him / the information. Preventive and preventive measures and prevented their waste.
    He added that "the value of the money that the authority was able to return to the state treasury after issuing judicial decisions between fining and reinstatement amounted to 410 billion dinars, while the money seized during the implementation of the seizures amounted to 37 billion and 468 million dinars."
    The president of the commission pointed out that "the number of criminal cases presented for the current year amounted to 13,499 cases, of which four thousand and 725 are under investigation. As for those that were closed due to lack of evidence, they numbered 2971, and the number of those referred to other investigative bodies reached 105, while referring to the trial court , It reached 2,678 cases, and the number referred to the investigation court reached 2257 cases.
    He stressed that "the percentage of cases presented was low and the reason is due to the cases that are under investigation and where obstacles and lack of completion of the investigation, which amounts to four thousand and 725, most of them are awaiting the results of the administrative investigation in the offices of public inspectors whose work has been suspended and the alternative to conduct an administrative investigation of these cases the legal department in the entity The concerned and this has a kind of negatives and delays. ”
    And that "the commission, after the decision to cancel the offices of the general inspectors, has received all the cases, which is a tremendous amount throughout [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , and there is no place to absorb them that requires a long time spanning more than six months, and these files were not tampered with despite the existence of some attempts by some ministries to overcome them, But the picnic committees and the general inspectors were careful not to lose or destroy any of the files in the offices.
    The president of the commission continued: "This year saw the issuance of arrest and recruitment orders amounting to four thousand and 544, of which five thousand and 694 were executed, and the number of cases that were referred by judicial order to other courts amounted to 817 cases." Ended / 25

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury Empty Integrity: stopping waste and seizing two trillion and 140 billion dinars in 2019

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Dec 2019, 1:43 am

    [size=36]Integrity: stopping waste and seizing two trillion and 140 billion dinars in 2019[/size]

    Political | 08:18 - 23/12/2019

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Baghdad - Mawazine News:
    The Integrity Commission managed to stop the waste, seizure and return of more than two trillion and 140 billion dinars during the current year to the state's public treasury.
    The head of the agency, said that " the Commission was able to stop wasting control and re amounts exceeding Altrelionin and 140 billion dinars during the current year, by: trillion and 694 billion dinars , the body exposed managed through deterrence and preventive measures and prevent wastage."
    He added, “The value of the funds that the authority was able to return to the state’s treasury after issuing judicial decisions between fining and repatriation amounted to 410 billion dinars, while the funds that were seized during the implementation of the seizures amounted to 37 billion and 468 million dinars.” Ended 29 / A 43

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
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    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury Empty It included modest provisions for senior officials ... The criminal cases presented in 2019 amounted

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Dec 2019, 1:44 am

    [size=36]It included modest provisions for senior officials ... The criminal cases presented in 2019 amounted to 13,499[/size]

    Political | 08:27 - 23/12/2019

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    , The Integrity Commission announced, on Monday, that the criminal cases presented amounted to 13 thousand and 499 cases, while the provisions that have been implemented are very modest, especially for senior officials.
    The head of the commission said, "The number of criminal cases brought before the current year amounted to 13,499 cases, of which four thousand and 725 are under investigation. As for those that were closed due to the lack of evidence, their number reached 2971, and the number of cases referred to other investigative bodies reached 105, while the courts are not." The matter reached 2,678 cases and the number of cases referred to the investigation court reached 2257 cases. "
    He stressed, "The percentage of cases presented was low and the reason is due to the cases that are under investigation and where there are obstacles and lack of completion of the investigation, which amounts to four thousand and 725, most of them are awaiting the results of the administrative investigation in the offices of general inspectors whose work is discontinued and the alternative to this procedure is not for the investigation." The concerned party, and this has some kind of negatives and delays. "
    The president of the commission continued, "This year saw the issuance of arrest and use orders amounting to four thousand and 544, of which five thousand and 694 were executed, and the number of cases that were referred by judicial order to other courts amounted to 817 cases."
    He expressed his regret for "the humility of the rulings issued against senior officials as a minister, a member of the House of Representatives, an undersecretary of a ministry, a member of a provincial council, or a director, as the rulings included five ministers who were convicted of one of them and four were released, and that the provisions that included six members All of them, and an undersecretary, have no final ruling, with the exception of one and guarantor. As for those in the position of governor, three have been convicted and six have been released. As for the rank of general manager, 30 of them have been convicted, 39 have been released, and seven members of the provincial council have been convicted, and 43 have been released. ” .
    He continued, "The verdicts of convictions have increased by less than the rank of Director-General to reach 1114 cities while the number of those released has reached 1639."
    And, "The number of those who were arrested this year with the witnessed crime and evidence, reached 1002 for the general governorates, and the highest percentage was in Nineveh Governorate 511, followed by Basra with 146".
    The chairman of the body that his department " is seeking to activate the operations of setting red - handed, but that it faces the most important obstacles to the absence for this purpose and the lack of a hardware and high technology to conduct registration financial allocations , " asserting that " the House of Representatives Speaker Mohammad Halbusi after a meeting with pledge The Council has attempted to increase the allocations related to the seizure operations and the purchase of coordination devices with the intelligence apparatus. ”Ended 29 / A 43

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    During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury Empty Re: During 2019..Integrity issues 4,000 arrest and recruitment orders, and returns 2.1 trillion treasury

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