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    Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister

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    Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister Empty Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jan 2020, 2:20 am

    [size=36]Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister[/size]

    Political | 07:54 - 01/29/2020

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    Private - Mawazine News
    , an informed political source revealed, on Wednesday, a consensus between the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and Fatah to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, for the post of prime minister of the interim government.
    The source said, to / Mawazine News, that "Al-Sadr has withdrawn its support for the nomination of the head of the intelligence service, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, for the post of prime minister."
    He added, "Al-Sadr agreed with the Al-Fatah coalition led by Hadi al-Amiri to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for the position," noting that "the announcement of his name as a consensual official candidate may take place within hours."
    Today, Wednesday, President of the Republic, Barham Saleh, gave the large parliamentary blocs until next Saturday to resolve the nomination of a prime minister, and if he fails, he will appoint a non-controversial candidate who must have a popular and political consensus. Ended 6/29 n
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    Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister Empty Close to Al-Sadr comments on Allawi's candidacy for prime minister

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jan 2020, 2:26 am

    Close to Al-Sadr comments on Allawi's candidacy for prime minister

    •  Time: 1/30/2020 10:41 AM
    •  Read: 1,261 times
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    (Baghdad: Al Furat News) A close source of the Sadrist movement leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, commented on the nomination of former Minister of Communications Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, to the post of presidency of the transitional government.
    [size=15][rtl][size=16]Commenting on a protester, Muhammad Saleh Al-Iraqi said on his page that “the equation that came with Abdul-Mahdi wants to bring Tawfiq Allawi}:” The formula that you claim, O revolutionary, is that {a} does not correspond to {b} and {c} he tries to delay and wants to drag Iraq For chaos, sedition and civil war, and as we had a pause before your stand and as we supported you, we will spare no effort to deliver those who do not match the whims of the blocs in a way that is appropriate for what the people want from a government that carries out its temporary duties, headed by early elections and other important details. "[/rtl]

    [rtl]"Only Iraq will preserve its safety, prestige and sovereignty, and you will know that stubbornness on all sides will not work, and Iraq will be the only victim. If you want a homeland, we are obligated to save the country from the hands of corruption on the one hand and the hands of saboteurs on the one hand, but to save you from the infiltrators who are rooted in Your revolution and from every corrupt until we try anyone who offended the homeland, there is no homeland with the corrupt, no homeland with the corrupt, no homeland with the occupiers, and no homeland with the subordinates. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]He called on Iraq to "a common word, between us and you, that we do not worship but God and love nothing but the homeland, and we preserve Iraq with all prudence and sophistication, otherwise what we want {the homeland} and peace is lost."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The chances of the prime minister's candidate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, have returned once again after they were hampered last week when he approached the assignment.[/rtl]
    [rtl]A political source familiar with the Al-Furat News Agency stated, "There is a consensus that occurred between the Al-Fath coalitions and others that occurred during the past few hours to present the name of the candidate (Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi) to the President of the Republic in order to assign him to form a new government."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added, "The Alliance of Saireon started the political movement tonight on the rest of the poles of the political process, especially the Shiites, to discuss the re-nomination of Allawi again," expecting that he will "assign him within the next two days."[/rtl]
    [rtl]Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi was strongly named as a candidate for the presidency of the transitional government last week, but he was excluded hours before his official assignment, the President of the Republic Barham Salih travel to Switzerland and his participation in the Davos conference.[/rtl]
    [rtl]And the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, called in a message yesterday to the political blocs to resume the constructive and serious political dialogue in order to agree on a new candidate for the presidency of the Council of Ministers that enjoys popular approval and submit it to the Presidency of the Republic in order to issue the order of assignment.[/rtl]
    [rtl]"If the concerned blocs are not able to resolve the nomination order no later than Saturday, February 1, 2019, I see an obligation to exercise my constitutional powers by assigning those whom I find most acceptable to parliament and people, and within the framework of the outcomes of the consultations that I conducted during the last period with political forces and events," he said. Popularity[/rtl]
    Ammar Al-Masoudi

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    Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister Empty The others and Al-Fateh agreed to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to head the next government

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jan 2020, 3:05 am

    The others and Al-Fateh agreed to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to head the next government

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    An informed source confirmed, the arrival of an alliance, Al-Fath Al-Fath, to reach an agreement on the candidate for the post of prime minister.

    The source said, in a press statement, that "the marchers and the Fatah movement agreed this evening to nominate the candidate [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Tawfiq [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for the post of prime minister of the next government."

    The source said, who asked not to be mentioned, " [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be assigned within the next few hours."

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    Al-Sadr agrees with Al-Fateh to nominate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for prime minister Empty A page close to Al-Sadr comments on Muhammad Allawi's candidacy for prime minister

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jan 2020, 3:16 am

    [size=35][size=35]A page close to Al-Sadr comments on Muhammad Allawi's candidacy for prime minister[/size]
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    2020-01-30 | 03:15
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    [size=18]Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, close to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, commented on Thursday on the nomination of Muhammad Allawi as prime minister, while noting that there is no homeland with the infiltrators, corrupt, occupiers, and dependents.

    In a response to one of the citizens, he said that "the equation that came with Abdul Mahdi is the same that it wants to bring about Allawi's conciliation." Procrastination and wants to draw Iraq into chaos, sedition and civil war. "

    He added, "As we had a pause before your stand and as we supported you, we will not spare an effort to communicate those who do not match the whims of the blocs, but rather what is appropriate for what the people want from a government that carries out its temporary duties, on top of which are the early elections and the rest of the important details. .
    "And you will know that stubbornness on all sides will not work, and Iraq will be the only victim ... If you want a homeland, we are obligated to save the country from the hands of corruption on the one hand and the hands of saboteurs on the one hand, but to save you from the infiltrators who took root in your revolution and from every corrupt until we judge all Who offended the homeland. "

    He pointed out that "there is no homeland with the infiltrators, no homeland with the corrupt, no homeland with the occupiers, and no homeland with the subordinates, so come to a common word between us and you that we do not worship but God and we love nothing but the homeland and we preserve Iraq with all prudence and sophistication or lost what we want: (Homeland ).

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