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    Pentagon: Corona crisis will last 90 days

    Admin Assist
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    Pentagon: Corona crisis will last 90 days Empty Pentagon: Corona crisis will last 90 days

    Post by Rocky Wed 25 Mar 2020, 4:34 am

    Pentagon: Corona crisis will last 90 days
    - PUBLISHED ON MARCH 24, 2020
    Views: 211
    Pentagon: Corona crisis will last 90 days Photo_%D9%A2%D9%A0%D9%A2%D9%A0-%D9%A0%D9%A3-%D9%A2%D9%A4_%D9%A2%D9%A1-%D9%A1%D9%A5-%D9%A4%D9%A8-1

    Washington: The Pentagon estimated that the crisis caused by the emerging coronavirus in the United States would continue for "several months", with life returning to normal as early as June / July with the risk of "political chaos" in some countries, according to senior officials in The Pentagon Tuesday.
    "I think we should prepare for a period of at least several months," US Defense Secretary Mark Asper said during a "hypothetical discussion" with US forces around the world.
    "We should expect 10, maybe 12 weeks," added US Army Chief of Staff Mark Miley, who was also responding to questions previously sent and posed directly by a Pentagon spokeswoman.
    He added, "We expect 90 days based on other countries, which may or may not apply to the United States. We will see." If that applies to the United States, it will likely be (end of the crisis) in late May, June, something like that. ”
    "It could be in July," the general said, noting that "we will get out of it."
    The officials warned that the epidemic could cause instability in some countries, to the point that the latter could pose a threat to the United States.
    He pointed out that "all of this could lead to political chaos in some countries. We must remain vigilant, ”he said, adding that a lack of protective masks, gloves and respirators can have“ severe consequences for some countries that can go beyond the medical issue. ”
    Esber stressed that the United States will make every effort to help its allies, but for "some opponents, all of this can make them act (...) in a way that could have an impact on our security."
    "We must be fully aware of it and prepare for it," he added.
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