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    From cents to hundreds of thousands ... hand over salaries to Facebook employees

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    From cents to hundreds of thousands ... hand over salaries to Facebook employees Empty From cents to hundreds of thousands ... hand over salaries to Facebook employees

    Post by Rocky Thu 03 Sep 2020, 7:40 am

    [size=35][size=35]From cents to hundreds of thousands ... hand over salaries to Facebook employees[/size]


    2020-09-03 | 02:14
    From cents to hundreds of thousands ... hand over salaries to Facebook employees Doc-P-357189-637347107546861927



    A US website recently published a report that includes data on salaries of employees in some of Facebook's key positions in the United States.

    The report stated that he collected his data on these salaries from visa applications for foreign employees that were later disclosed to the public by the United States government, as all companies are required to mention the size of the basic salary in these visa applications when selecting a worker or appointing him to a job.

    And in the data and engineering department at FacebookThe salary of a data expert ranges from $ 110,000 to $ 216,000, and a software engineer’s wages range from $ 110,000 to $ 280,000, and a data engineer’s salary can range from $ 110,000 to $ 195,000.
    On the other hand, a research expert gets between $ 135,000 and $ 250,000, and a director of engineering gets $ 171,000 to 280,000.
    The company gives the technical program director from $ 111,000 to 225,000, the production engineer from $ 110,000 to 221,000, while the engineering director gets $ 284,000 to $ 345,000.
    Here are the salaries he pays Facebook As opposed to some other basic functions:
    • Network engineer: from 78 thousand dollars to 180 thousand dollars
    • Electrical engineer: from $ 125,000 to $ 205,000
    Copywriter: $ 186,000
    Consumer Experience Analyst: $ 120,000 to $ 162,000
    Financial manager: from $ 145,000 to $ 180,000
    Business Analyst: from $ 130,000 to $ 201,000
    • Security analyst: $ 145,000
    It is worth noting that [url= %D8%B2%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%BA/ar/]Mark Zuckerberg[/url] He gets paid the lowest salaries in FacebookThe company he founded does not pay him a flat salary of only one dollar per year.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 5:39 pm