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    Planning sets the date for the start of implementing the Iraqi standard for importing cars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Planning sets the date for the start of implementing the Iraqi standard for importing cars Empty Planning sets the date for the start of implementing the Iraqi standard for importing cars

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Jun 2021, 7:41 am

    Planning sets the date for the start of implementing the Iraqi standard for importing cars

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    The Ministry of Planning has set, on Wednesday, the date for the start of implementing the Iraqi standard for importing cars, noting that the application of the standard has been postponed due to the conditions of the Corona pandemic.
    The ministry said in a statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News", "The Minister of Planning, Khaled Battal Al-Najm, announced the start of applying the approved Iraqi standard for testing and evaluating the conformity of vehicles of all kinds, starting from the first of next September," noting that "this came during the meeting of the Minister, Director General of the Standardization Department in the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control, Ban Norouz Ibrahim, and a number of members of the committee concerned with setting vehicle specifications.
    The minister confirmed, according to the statement, that "the date of the first of next September will be a final date for working with what is included in the Iraqi specification for the requirements of safety and vehicle safety," calling on "importers and traders to take this date very seriously."
    He pointed out that "after the first of September, no car will be allowed to enter unless it does not conform to the specifications," adding that "the implementation of the specification was scheduled to start at the beginning of this year, but it was decided to postpone the implementation, due to the circumstances of the Corona pandemic and the halt caused by the epidemic. global trade, and the suspension of various contracts.
    He pointed out that "the Council of Ministers took a decision to consider the pandemic period as a compelling circumstance."
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      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 6:06 pm