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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In pictures... Commerce announces the launch of the food basket distribution, and this is what it in

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In pictures... Commerce announces the launch of the food basket distribution, and this is what it in Empty In pictures... Commerce announces the launch of the food basket distribution, and this is what it in

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Jul 2021, 6:51 am

    In pictures... Commerce announces the launch of the food basket distribution, and this is what it includes تتضمن

    •  Time: 07/10/2021 13:32:31
    •  Reading: 416 times

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    {Local: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Trade announced today, Saturday, the launch of the distribution of the food basket throughout Iraq.
    The ministry's media spokesman, Muhammad Hanoun, confirmed in a statement to {Euphrates News}, that "the Ministry of Commerce opened the food basket project," noting that it "contains good quality." 
    Hanoun said, "The food basket includes all parts of Iraq, including the region," noting that it "contains 7 basic items of good quality." 
    The ministry's spokesman indicated that "the amounts of the food basket amount to 500 dinars, and no new amounts are added," stressing that "control teams have begun to follow up on the delivery of items to citizens." 
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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In pictures... Commerce announces the launch of the food basket distribution, and this is what it in Empty Trade begins distributing food basket items throughout Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Jul 2021, 7:12 am

     Trade begins distributing food basket items throughout Iraq

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    The Minister of Commerce, Alaa Ahmed Al-Jubouri, announced, on Saturday, the start of distributing food basket items in all governorates of the country.
    Minister Al-Jubouri said during a press conference followed by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "the stores of the Ministry of Commerce have been receiving large quantities of good-quality foodstuffs from the food basket for days, which are oil, sugar, chickpeas, beans, tomato paste and Indian basmati rice."
    He added, "This day witnesses the announcement of the launch of the food basket and its distribution to food agents for the purpose of delivering it to those covered by the ration card system," stressing that "the vocabulary of the food basket differs in terms of quality from its predecessors, as families below the poverty line will receive items in local markets and enjoy popular acceptance. ".
    Al-Jubouri pointed to "the importance of equitable government media support for the government's efforts in delivering and making the food basket successful for citizens," noting that "the next stage requires efforts to hand over citizens their vocabulary and the importance of popular oversight from local governments to distribute good vocabulary worthy of the Iraqi citizen."
    And he indicated that "the Ministry of Commerce has been on alert for a while for the purpose of storing foodstuffs within the vocabulary of the food basket that was announced and approved by the Council of Ministers and enjoys follow-up and support from Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi."
    He pointed out that "the agents were delivered the food basket materials this morning, Saturday, to the areas (Hur Rajab, Hay Al-Amel first and second, Tigris first and second, Al-Rashid and Yusufiyah), and the cutting centers are continuing to equip the food agents with the materials, and in the coming days, the food basket will be equipped in all the governorates of the country." .
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