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    12~27~2012 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    12~27~2012 Horoscopes  Empty 12~27~2012 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Thu 27 Dec 2012, 6:57 am

    This is the time to change jobs, get a job or dig in your heels and give this job all your energy. You could be inspired to go to parties, spend frivolously, take chances--again, think first and give yourself plenty of time before you part with the dollar you worked so hard to earn. You will do well to rely on your own advice, as though you were speaking to a friend. Prepare for a busy year ahead by completing the tasks that are before you now. Take some time away from your work to enjoy just being alive and having the ability to create and choose your life path. This winter could be a productively creative time for you. Picture yourself being rewarded for your ideas and the changes you might want to make, or your many creations: success.

    You may desire greater political or professional security now. A charity worthy of your attention or a report that you feel is due some recognition without your signature may press upon your mind in the morning. Corporate ethics, product safety and secret or sensitive information may come to your attention often. You may want to improve, remake or at least bring some flaws to the attention of those in charge before any problem arises. You give of your time to others and may find it difficult to find time for yourself. Tonight, you could suggest that you and your family members follow some tradition that will help ready yourselves toward a fun New Year's celebration. Favorite clothes, new shoes and a few touches of color and your clothes are ready.

    This is a manageable day but co-workers and friends may demand much of your free time today. You could yearn for a bit of privacy and seclusion for the purpose of introspection and peace of mind. You are a powerful person, whether you realize it or not. You are naturally in-tune with the universal laws. As you grow and experience life, you will be in a position to add insight into other people's life progress. People that need your help may continuously interrupt your work and your private life. Now you know the purpose of your wisdom. The evening or early mornings, when you get up before everyone else in the house, would be beneficial for meditation. The secret is in consistency. This evening you express your artistic side.

    Today begins on a good enough footing, but before the noon break is available, it may be necessary for you to seek help from others. Higher-ups may place a heavy workload in front of you today; they might want to see how you respond. They may want to know if you will delegate, complain or balance the work. You will be able to show off your skills--feel yourself grow with every experience. Make your plans for the next workday, in order to take any confusion out of the day. It is also a good time to try your luck at increasing your financial resources. At times money will be more plentiful and easier to come by. It is a good time to ask for a raise in pay or pay off any outstanding loan. This is a great time to shop.

    You could be teaching or lecturing this morning. Others may find you mentally rehearsing for a presentation as you perform other duties today. You have a craving to be appreciated and try your best to do your best when it comes to special projects in the workplace. Financial savvy and practical thinking are qualities that take on greater importance in your life. You have a knack for knowing how to put people, ideas and things together profitably. If you and your family are traveling later this month, take the time today to seal any unresolved plans. This will eliminate problems later and if you confirm reservations two or three days prior to the date of departure, you will be assured of a problem-free travel experience. Try to balance your time.

    You are learning new strategies and techniques in the workplace--perhaps a new sales technique. You are gaining some real-world skills and procedures in order to talk others into a particular way of thinking. You may be asked to teach others what you are learning. There is a lot of energy behind what you say and think. You can make quick and sharp decisions. Everything points to your taking the initiative. You communicate with feeling and strength. You could feel a great deal of support from those around you. This evening is a good time to be with a loved one. Emotions are up, and you may even find yourself pondering a bit on the meaning of life. You feel at one with your situation. Overall, this is a productive and potentially satisfying day.

    Discussions around the employee lounge may become all-encompassing during the noon break. Discovering what you truly believe in is a high personal priority now. Careful--issues such as religion, law, politics and higher education are highly volatile and may not be a wise choice for discussion--particularly in the workplace. This may be a time of testing your limits to see how far you can go. You may find that someone close to you understands and is supportive of your eccentricities. You could come up with new solutions or inventions later today. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends this evening. It could be your turn to babysit or walk the dogs so that others can enjoy some entertainment away from home.

    This time brings nothing but positive results. It certainly does not mean that this day is easy, however. When you do your best today--others will notice. Provided you exert control over your inclination to go overboard, this time should be one of opportunity for you. Don't let your confidence lead you to be overbearing toward others or this could lead to serious conflicts later. On the way home from work this evening, you may find yourself visiting with a friend or relative. A cycle of nostalgia and domesticity begins--emphasizing a need for security and a sense of roots. Family, home, relatives and real estate play a bigger part in your life. You want to belong on a private, intimate, personal level. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices.

    Because you are so hard at work today, you may have to watch your words, or the way in which you respond to others. This is a very good day for job-related events but, as many of us, you could become frustrated if interrupted too often. Place a HARD AT WORK SIGN, which is eye catching, near your workspace. Perhaps by drawing a line through a pair of lips--as though you were saying, do not speak. You could be preparing a speech, or a lecture--you are eloquent in communication when it comes to lecturing or teaching. The situation today is perfect for self-expression. You could represent or speak for your company. This evening is the perfect time to just relax and visit with friends--perhaps in a fun restaurant.

    No matter how hard you try--it seems impossible to clear away the clutter on your desk. If anything, it may be that the paper piles are getting deeper. You may have to take a more serious look and get help to become organized. One way to remind yourself is that you might display a sign saying, DO IT, DELEGATE IT OR DITCH IT. Now we are getting somewhere. Once you are in the mood . . . others had better step aside. You aim to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Careful, this could include other people's stuff too. This is a very busy time and you will be glad that you are more organized and prepared for the confusion that may come with this very busy time. Romance is in the air on the home front--enjoy!

    You have gotten through some sort of idea road block--perhaps you write. Ideas and thoughts have greater meaning and form now. You may be a lawyer, plumber, accountant, maintenance manager, or have some other job that involves making life a better place for others. Whatever it is that you do for a living, the people you work with or for appreciate your input. You are progressive, yet a bit old-fashioned, and there is plenty of good advice to go around--if anybody is asking. People understand just what you mean. This evening you begin serious plans to complete any decorations in your home or apartment and to fill in your social calendar. Romance is in the air, if you will stop long enough to pay attention. Give your loved one some attention.

    You could be getting overemotional today--but with patience, answers will come. This may be a difficult time to relax--regardless, this is a productive time in the workplace. There may be demands on your self-control today. Walk, exercise and keep those frustrations behind you--or under your hat. You will find most problems fade away as the lunch hour approaches. You develop a knack for organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work, achievement and ambition are things that are uppermost on your mind. This afternoon you can expect some extra support from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open.

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 11:26 pm