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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A “worried” water share and fears surrounding the golden grains.. an agreement with China that will

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    A “worried” water share and fears surrounding the golden grains.. an agreement with China that will  Empty A “worried” water share and fears surrounding the golden grains.. an agreement with China that will

    Post by Rocky Fri 25 Mar 2022, 6:20 am

    [size=30]A “worried” water share and fears surrounding the golden grains.. an agreement with China that will raise wheat production by 230%!

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    The Ministry of Water Resources is experiencing critical moments and a great challenge to provide a good water quota for the summer season as well as the winter that follows, especially as it relates to the cultivation of wheat and barley and the need not to repeat the reduction of cultivated areas as happened in the last season, especially after the Ukraine-Russia war and the concern over global wheat supplies.
    Fears of the winter season and the possibility of saving water for wheat are reinforced, in conjunction with the advent of the summer season, and the need to provide water in a large way for summer crops, especially rice, which consumes a lot of water, which makes the share of water for the following winter season, not guaranteed.
    Adviser to the Minister of Water Resources, Aoun Diab, said that “the decrease in water in Iraq is due to reasons, including that the upstream countries developed their projects and exploited the quantities of water destined for Iraqi lands, and the other is the climatic changes taking place and the lack of rain affected the water situation in Iraq.”
    He added that "drinking water, human uses, orchard watering and vegetable cultivation are secured," pointing out that there is interest in how to secure water for wheat cultivation, especially after the current events between Russia and Ukraine.
    Diab stressed the need to open channels of communication with neighboring countries to discuss the water file and secure Iraq's water share.
    For his part, Water Resources Spokesman Ali Radi says, “Iraq suffered from a scarce period in the last water season, which led to resorting to water storage available in dams and reservoirs, and consequently the level of storage clearly decreased,” noting that “the amount of rain and torrential rains caused A slight increase in the level of water storage in dams and reservoirs.
    He continued, "The water storage and the quantities of water revenues received in the spring season and the melting of snow will give clear data and pictures of the amount of the upcoming summer agricultural plan," noting that "the plan will be jointly built between the Ministries of Water Resources and Agriculture through meetings of the higher committees in this regard."
    He added, "Iraq suffered from a scarce period in the last water season, which led to resorting to the available water storage in dams and reservoirs, and consequently a clear decrease in the level of storage," noting that "the amount of rain and torrential rains caused a slight increase in the level of water storage in dams and reservoirs." .
    He continued, "The water storage and the quantities of water revenues received in the spring season and the melting of snow will give clear data and pictures of the amount of the upcoming summer agricultural plan," noting that "the plan will be jointly built between the Ministries of Water Resources and Agriculture through meetings of the higher committees in this regard."
    Chinese agreement to raise wheat production 230%!
    For his part, economic researcher Manar Al-Obaidi believes that “an agreement with China in the field of exchanging agricultural expertise and water resources is better and more important than any other agreement with China,” according to his description.
    Al-Obaidi added, in a clarification seen by “Yes Iraq”, that “food security is the most important priority, increasing production and improving the quality of seeds depends on the need to exchange experiences with countries that have great experiences, the first of which is China, which has set a goal to produce 700 million tons annually of wheat using modern genetic techniques for agriculture. .
    And he indicated that "work to approve an agricultural agreement between Iraq and China aimed at improving the level of agricultural production and exchanging experiences will lead Iraq to produce more than 10 million tons annually of wheat," noting that "the importance of wheat will appear significantly in the coming months with the end of the wheat stock in Iraq." And this year’s wheat production will not exceed 3 million tons at its best, meaning that the deficit will exceed 4 million tons in Iraq,” al-Obeidi said.
    In the event that wheat production will rise to 10 million tons annually in the event of cooperation with China in an agricultural agreement, this means an increase in wheat production in Iraq by 230%.
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