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    08~14~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    08~14~2014 Horoscopes  Empty 08~14~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Thu 14 Aug 2014, 8:21 am

    This could be an action-filled day. Time, however, seems to slow down as you encounter some of your more sensitive areas. There may be some times during the day that you are reminded of the true focus for your activities. There are moments of inner change and growth, especially that related to your goals. You will find it easy to listen and accept the suggestions of others for now. This afternoon you may enjoy a good movie or book or feel like escaping from day-to-day realities for a while. A new project or hobby has come to your attention and you are looking forward to experimenting with a new creative and useful tool. You can appreciate an imaginative approach and may value communal or futuristic ideas. You receive positive attention tonight.

    You find a great deal of interest in education, travel and religion. There could be some talk of career advancement–your accomplishments are many and should be a point of discussion when it comes time for a professional review. This is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to contend with difficulties. Good advice from a guide or older person may be available soon–do not hesitate to ask questions. Your friends may keep you busy this evening, but all should go fairly well. You can demonstrate great understanding of and sensitivity to the needs of your friends and are in a good position to lend a helping hand.

    You are masterful as you lead others today. Some type of strength is available that moves you toward expressive leadership abilities. This is a great time to be with others and to work as a team. You are called out to do a special job. You eventually see an advantage to this singular request. Your directional abilities are in high focus. Success is indicated in education, sales, politics or the law. You know how to attack and solve problems, whether personal or public. Chances are, your social skills mean that you are popular with almost everyone. Channel your intensity as you reach the home front this evening. Your interactions with friends, lovers, neighbors and animals will be much more enjoyable at this time. A new hobby is next.

    All of us enjoy being respected but you will gain respect quickly in new surroundings. You develop a talent for understanding people and may be happy in a teaching or management sort of job. Work with high achievement means a great deal to you now. This is also a time when you can expect a little boost–some sort of extra support or recognition. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others and the lines of communication are open. Your good management and supervisory abilities will come easily. You will put your feelings into words and may exhibit an interest in viewpoints from the psychological, cultural and historical standpoint today. Political issues are fun topics of conversation this evening.

    Many people find you a smooth talker with a quick wit and ready tongue. Your objectivity helps others to see positive outcomes and to reach decisions quickly. You could become interested in the fields of lecturing, advertising, publishing and matters of public relations at this time. Your creativity is magnified. Together with the ability to put your thoughts into words, you may be inclined to captivate an audience of any size. Co-workers may ask you for guidance and you have shown a good understanding of your craft and you are not critical of others that have difficulty learning. You may find yourself responding to the request of your friends later this afternoon. A new child or a new home or a large sum of money comes to someone you know.

    f you find that you are not making the money you think you should, now is the time to think about changing jobs. You consider making a job change, even if it is within the company for which you work. Good luck and common sense are on your side. You are very bright and have a high degree of concentration that makes you an excellent student and able to excel in speaking, writing and all other types of communication skills. This evening you will enjoy your friends. Your love of family and home and lack of interest in outside concerns, be they friendly or work related, need to be noted and kept in balance. Now is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends. A young person brings you many enjoyable moments tonight!

    Someone will put you to work coordinating events today. It could be time for your company to make presentations or entertain perspective customers, etc. Your ability to pull off a successful presentation has others in constant surprise–it almost never looks as though your methods will work–but they do. Perhaps you could invest some time in learning or experiencing some sort of stage or film productions job. When it comes to psychology you intuitively know how to get down to the core material. You enjoy working with sensitive and vulnerable areas of the mind, searching out and defining points of transformation–areas for growth. You could teach and instruct others in these areas as well. Good information comes to you through the media.

    Today could bring the unexpected or find you in a very unusual mood. It may be that you feel like getting away from the routine for a while. New insights or breakthroughs are possible with authorities or someone older. This is not the best time for career or vocational decisions, but a good time to plan. This might be a good time to take the back seat, if possible, and think through any decisions you make. Take some time to think things through before making up your mind about an important matter. Others will appreciate this thoughtfulness and trust your decision when you do come up with an answer. Your help in guiding someone through a tough time is appreciated–you learn from the experience as well.

    You could be remarkably convincing with others. As the saying goes, you could sell an icebox to an eskimo. The reports shared and the people available today will encourage you to excel in the workplace. You have an almost otherworldly quality that more or less dominates or coordinates the rest of your character. If you are in sales, you may find yourself the top salesperson of the month. Everything seems to be working in your favor for whatever it is you do today. Your imagination always reaches beyond differences and manages to solve them. You are enchanting and today you enchant someone special. You may discover that you have found a love that is willing to support and inspire you in all ways. You are optimistic.

    You may be unable to get the support you require today. Some of your supply lines have been diminished or stopped and someone may challenge you. Biding your time will pay big dividends. You have to give something in order to get something–that is the message you take to heart now. It can be a very beneficial message. Investments can start small and grow beyond your wildest dreams at this time. Be on the lookout for opportunities of this sort. Sacrifice leads to gain in more ways than one, some not so obvious at the outset. You like to do things with care and enjoy being discriminating and exact. Your critical faculties are excellent and you can always pick out the worthwhile. You will be helping a sick friend or relative this evening.

    Work improvements are all around you today. Although your outer personality may look rough, you are more sensitive than others would suspect. This is a time that will help you to catch your breath and gain a new focus on your progress–at work or on the home front. All sorts of relationships figure into your life now and this includes co-workers as well as love relationships. Any healing or progress that is needed can be approached or made possible at this time. As an accumulation of past projects and work problems disappear, you are much better able to promote your own plan. Now is a good time to introduce your ideas and secure others to your cause. Something new for dinner may have been suggested ages ago–this is a time for experimenting.

    This is a good time to gather and organize your affairs or rearrange your living situation–as well as your financial outlook. Yours is a reflective mind, a mirror for others. You are certainly easy to talk with and you may find yourself placed in a negotiating position with others. One of the reasons for this is that you find it easy to accept the ideas of others and to hear them talk through their ideas or problems. You are good at relations, politics, diplomacy and sales–not to mention considerate, helpful and courteous. Your own success may be linked to questions of security–home and family, in particular. This may be a time during which you can get ahead by finding your limits and establishing a home base from which to move forward.

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 4:01 am