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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Committee: 80 percent of the salary scale law has been completed, and we are awaiting

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Committee: 80 percent of the salary scale law has been completed, and we are awaiting  Empty Parliamentary Committee: 80 percent of the salary scale law has been completed, and we are awaiting

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 May 2023, 5:12 am

    [size=52]Parliamentary Committee: 80 percent of the salary scale law has been completed, and we are awaiting its arrival in Parliament[/size]
    • Today 11:13


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    Information / Baghdad.. 
    A member of the Committee of the Regions and Governorates that are not affiliated with the Ahmed Salal Al-Badri region demanded the resumption of work to amend the salary scale law, fairness to employees and achieving justice among the segments of society.
    Al-Badri said, in a statement reported by "Al-Sabah" newspaper, seen by Al-Maaloumah, that "we addressed the Council of Ministers regarding the draft law, and we received answers, given that there is a committee formed and work in it to complete the amendment has reached 80%," calling on "Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani to establish A press conference showing all segments of employees the stages of work on the draft law amending the salary scale.
    Al-Badri added, "The House of Representatives considers the law vital and positive if the amendment was issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers," noting that "the draft budget law is separate from the salary scale."
    The representative of the State of Law indicated that "everyone is waiting for the salary scale law to embody justice and reduce disparities between employees." End 25

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