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    Kurdish Deputy reveal understandings to resolve differences between Baghdad and Erbil

    Admin Assist
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    Kurdish Deputy reveal understandings to resolve differences between Baghdad and Erbil Empty Kurdish Deputy reveal understandings to resolve differences between Baghdad and Erbil

    Post by Rocky Wed 24 Sep 2014, 6:52 am

    Kurdish Deputy reveal understandings to resolve differences between Baghdad and Erbil

    2014/09/24 12: 00

    Tomorrow press Baghdad: Kurdish Coalition MP revealed Sherine Abdel Rahman, Wednesday, the understandings and convergence between the Government Center and Kurdistan Iraq to resolve outstanding issues, particularly with regard to the issue of the export of oil.

    She said Abdel-Rahman for "tomorrow" it, "the statement by the President of the regional government, nechirvan Barzani on Tuesday and the possibility to export oil from Iraqi Kurdistan via Soso national evidence of affinity and understanding to solve problems between Baghdad and Erbil, in particular the oil issue", adding that "differences will not go on, because there are understandings between the parties."

    She added that "there are touts for the President of the regional government nechirvan Barzani in Baghdad to resolve differences and Kurdish Ministers in the new Government," adding that "the visit was not scheduled yet, but very close, and we wish to succeed in removing the differences between Baghdad and Erbil."

    Abdel Rahman said that "the visit of Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi recently brought between views with Kurdish politicians".

    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, nechirvan Barzani, on Tuesday, during a press conference in the Territory Government does not object to the participation of the company Sumo in oil marketing, with the territory's desire to reach an agreement on this, as he denied that proceeds from oil sales territory had come to Baghdad from Turkey.

    Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi visited last week, the former President Jalal Talabani during his visit met with Kurdish political leaders and then visit described as positive.

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