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    Iraqis crossing the barriers of electronic government

    Admin Assist
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    Iraqis crossing the barriers of electronic government Empty Iraqis crossing the barriers of electronic government

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Sep 2014, 4:19 pm

    Iraqis crossing the barriers of electronic government


    After exceeding the concrete barriers ..
    Iraqis crossing the barriers of electronic government
    Sergeant-mail in Iraq promotes the use of digital programs to break the ban
    Two million Iraqis within two weeks, exceeding the government electronically Alalaqrar
    Achieving / star Haider Were not for the Iraqi authorities to withhold online space for users since 13 June last until the beginning of August, only a vogue for electronic software specially produced to circumvent disable Web site. One of the most prominent of those programs ferocious ban Alanturnata and which met with a high turnout of digital activists in Iraq, is the application of " PS iPhone"Produced by a commercial software company based in Canada bearing the name of, as you say it a priority to make Internet service available in all parts of the globe, and empower" citizens "of the virtual world access to e-content is not available to them.
    Deputy Head of the Department of Commerce in the company, Karl Kathuria, expressed in an interview on the sidelines of the "Global Forum on Internet Governance" ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]), Which was held recently in Turkey, expressed his happiness for the broad use of his company's product by the Iraqis during the short period of time.
    He says in this context, "I've had a number who have suddenly using our software from inside Iraq, another test of our ability to provide this service."
    Technical expert who also serves as CEO of the server in question looks at the mechanism that made the company the world to help to make the Internet accessible to everyone within Iraq during the period of obscured by the local authority, as "certainly a big challenge."
    But he corrects, "we were able to redirect resources to increase our ability to provide the service, and to ensure that our program accessible to anyone who wants to access the Internet."
    The decision of the Iraqi authorities to stop online content fully in hot areas, a security lien, spent preventing access to networking sites " Facebook"And" YouTube"And" Twitter"The messaging applications such as the" Viper and " Skype"In the Arab part of the country, came to curb deadly weapon Media adopted" Daash "in the psychological war during its offensive on the Berber northern city of Mosul on the tenth of June last.
    But after one week of the prohibition of the international information network resorted more than half a million Iraqis to use " Psiphone"The disposable devices for free" windows and " android; Decoder in order to censorship restrictions imposed for weeks on the social networking sites in particular.
    Rose dramatically after only two weeks of a decision to ban the government reaches the end of the month in June to 1.9 million users; according to statistics from the company "Saifun".
    The latter figure, equivalent to half of Internet users officially registered in Iraq, who number according to the records of the Ministry of Communications 4 million people, while there are unofficial estimates indicate that the number of Juljrn Internet networks more than 8 million individual, on the grounds that the official authorities do not take into account the issue of participation of the rest of the Family members in the system online personal.
    Canadian technology expert, who surprised by the large number of users of the program " PS iPhone"In Mesopotamia, it was revealed during the forum for global governance," a sharp increase in the use of Saifun tool "in the Middle East's fastest-growing of the program referred to, after authorities withhold some countries in the region to websites, as happened in Iraq and finally Turkey.
    At the beginning of the year proceeded a number of governments in the region to close the messaging applications, since suspended Arabia service "Watts August" intermittent followed suit the UAE, which prevented in turn use the application "Viper" for reasons of security and economic, while Iran proceeded to ban websites, including service "wee chat" social networking. As I have already followed this procedure during the era of the "Arab Spring."
    Asylum authorities in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa to cut content cyberspace and withhold some of their positions, make use of the software ferocious ban Alanturnata being widely not only in Iraq alone, but in most countries in these regions Alsakntin militarily and politically.
    Especially that the work of " PS iPhone"Enters into the framework of international attempts diligent to circumvent the procedures for restricting online practiced by countries in the region, through the" preservation of individual access to the same content and Internet services, including contributing to the application of the criteria set forth in Article 19 of the declaration of human rights globally. "
    As this is a technical-mail server open to "use a number of different Internet protocols, along with the short-lived cloud networks to keep people connected to the network site, regardless of any attempts to block access to it."
    In light of this, the volume of demand for the use of "program ferocious", prompting the Canadian company and their counterparts to "work for the development and processing of network resistance of the ban in order to satisfy the increasing demands," according to the words of Haider Hmzzouz, coordinator of the Iraqi network of social media, known as "joined ". ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]).
    Hmzzouz a certified instructor internationally in the field of social networking, reveals the "debate" that the management of the company "Google" American is now "working to secure the privacy of its users and the protection of their data, specifically in the Middle East region which is under the accounts of activists digital highly controlled by the authorities of their countries ".
    This was the focus of extensive discussion between Vint Cerf, vice president of the company "Google" which is considered one of the "fathers of the Internet" for his significant contributions to the development of international information network, and among a group of bloggers, Arab and foreign young people who attended the forum, including governance blogger Hmzzouz.
    And confirms Hmzzouz, that, based on the numbers the company "Saifun" we can say that the digitization activists in Iraq "are the most active among their peers in the region .. This activity led to a remarkable gesture by the company mentioned Iraq to reconsider to provide better services."
    Talking with the second-highest official in the American company, also focused on "the future plans in the region in general and Iraq in particular," adds Hmzzouz. As well as "how to protect the privacy of search engine users months and the protection of their personal information in light of the increasing demands that are set to manage the" Google "of some governments to reveal information about its users."
    In Transparency Report issued by annually, reveals a giant technological research he received just like any other technology companies, communications, requests from governments and courts from all over the world for the delivery of data users of its network, which is rejected by the company subject to the applicable laws in the United States, on customary condition to obtain judicial orders and strong arguments Before giving information about their users.
    On the same vein going management "Saifun" Canadian users to secure their accounts and protect their privacy. It does not register at all addresses " IP"Private users, as this company does not monitor the activities of their browsers, and even keeps a record of which sites they visit, as its executive director says.
    In light of the growing restrictions on the Internet, digital security has become the focus of unprecedented attention by the international technology companies. Where Kathuria here refers to the program of his company months "working to create a secure tunnel between the end user and the network Saifun, then the network to bring content and send it to the end user through this tunnel."
    He continues, "Most of our communications system used opacity ( Secure Shell) It is a means of enabling computers and smart phones to talk with each other without revealing their content. "  

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