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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    3 numbers reveal how “primitive” the industrial sector in Iraq is.. What is the benefit of operating

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    3 numbers reveal how “primitive” the industrial sector in Iraq is.. What is the benefit of operating Empty 3 numbers reveal how “primitive” the industrial sector in Iraq is.. What is the benefit of operating

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Oct 2023, 4:44 am

    3 numbers reveal how “primitive” the industrial sector in Iraq is.. What is the benefit of operating idle factories?
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Industry in Iraq is a significantly backward file. Even if all the factories that have stopped working are operated, it may not provide a major transformation in the industrial sector in Iraq, for many reasons, the most important of which is the dominance of simple manufacturing industries in the industrial sector, instead of real heavy industries.
    Out of a gross domestic product exceeding $260 billion annually in Iraq, the industrial sector contributes only 3% of the total gross domestic product, with imports dominating most of the market’s needs.
    Economic expert Ahmed Al-Tamimi said today, Friday (October 6, 2023), that Iraq does not have any real industry to meet the needs in the local market.
    Al-Tamimi told “Baghdad Today” that “the industry in Iraq is almost at a standstill, and there is no real industry that can fill the need of the local Iraqi market, with various materials, whether food or other, and this confirms the weakness of the Iraqi economy, as it depends on imports for everything.” ".
    He stated that "Iraq imports various materials on a large scale and on a daily basis from Iran and Turkey, and Iraq's survival without industry is certainly in the interest of these two countries and other countries that Iraq depends on to meet the needs of the local market with food and other building materials and furniture."
    Iraq imports from Turkey and Iran annually about 25 billion dollars, a figure that alone equates to about 40% of Iraq's total annual imports, which amount to about 60 billion dollars.
    Iraq has more than 25,000 existing factories and factories, but more than 20,000 factories and factories are suspended, and in a way that reflects the size of the industrial sector in Iraq, small factories constitute approximately 90% of the total factories and factories that it owns, in a percentage that reflects the extent of its weakness. Iraqi industry and the dominance of manufacturing industries instead of strategic and heavy industries.

    Source: Baghdad Al-Youm + government statistics
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