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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minister of Oil: Iraq has a large capacity for oil production, and we have begun supporting carbon b

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    Minister of Oil: Iraq has a large capacity for oil production, and we have begun supporting carbon b Empty Minister of Oil: Iraq has a large capacity for oil production, and we have begun supporting carbon b

    Post by Rocky Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:24 am

    Minister of Oil: Iraq has a large capacity for oil production, and we have begun supporting carbon bond projects
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul Ghani, today, Tuesday (December 12, 2023), stressed the importance of holding the Arab Energy Conference in achieving energy security, which is one of the most important challenges facing countries.
    Abdul Ghani said, during his speech at the 12th Arab Energy Conference in Qatar, that Iraq has come a long way in supporting clean energy projects, chemical industries, fertilizers, and others through investing in associated gas.
    The minister added that Iraq has a large capacity for oil and gas production, and during the last period the government took important decisions to maximize the use of clean energy, especially through concluding contracts that were signed during the previous period.
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    He pointed out the signing of a contract with Total Gas Investment Company for a quantity of 600 million cubic feet from 5 fields, in addition to two major projects, one of which is establishing a water purification station and directing it for reservoir injection purposes with a capacity of 5 million barrels per day, which will provide or equivalent to this amount of potable water for human use. Such as agriculture and supporting environmental conservation efforts.
    The minister added: “The other project is the establishment of an electric power generation station using solar energy with a capacity of 1000-1200 megawatts. This project is considered one of the largest renewable energy or solar energy projects in the region, and therefore this project is a project that contributes to enhancing the role of reliance on renewable energy.” ".
    The Minister of Oil confirmed Iraq's commitment to the Paris Agreement, noting that it succeeded in reducing thermal emissions by 2%, thanks to the projects that were launched at the end of last year.
    Abdul-Ghani noted that, thanks to one of the Basra Gas Company projects with a capacity of 200 million cubic feet of gas, Iraq was able to reduce thermal emissions by 2%, and there is a similar project that will be launched at the end of the first semester of 2024, and will contribute to reducing thermal emissions by 2%.
    He continued: "We have previously called for inclusion in the recommendations and decisions of conferences on the environment to continue releasing water from upstream countries to their neighboring countries, and that withholding water means depriving these countries of agricultural projects and is a fight against the environment par excellence."
    The Minister pointed out that agriculture and green areas contribute to reducing the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere, and therefore conferences on the environment must include an important topic, which is the sustainability and continued release of water quotas in upstream countries.
    Abdul-Ghani said that Iraq has begun supporting carbon bond projects at the Central Oil Company.
    The minister called for participation in the competition for the fifth and sixth licensing rounds that were launched, which is expected to invest 3,000 million standard cubic feet (MMCCF) of gas to support the electricity sector.
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