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    Learn about the decisions taken at the sixth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Learn about the decisions taken at the sixth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy  Empty Learn about the decisions taken at the sixth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Feb 2024, 6:57 am

    Learn about the decisions taken at the sixth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy 

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    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Tamim

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Tamim chaired, on Monday, the sixth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy for the year 2024.
    The Council's media office said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, "The Council discussed the items on its agenda and took the appropriate decisions regarding them."
    The statement added, "The Council hosted the head of the Supreme Commission for Coordination between the Governorates, the head of the special committee to study the sold and leased projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, and it also hosted the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning. The Council listened to an explanation provided by the Chairman of the Commission about those projects, the obstacles and problems that hinder their completion, and the recommendations for transferring federal powers to the governorates." .
    The Council confirmed, according to the statement, that it “decided to form a committee headed by the Technical Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning and membership of the Supreme Commission for Coordination between the Governorates and the concerned authorities to study these projects and provide a full evaluation of them.”
    The statement continued, "The Council hosted the Prime Minister's Advisor for Technical Affairs, Chairman of the Customs Order Committee for studying Iraq's foreign loans and debts, and the Council decided that the above committee should study all projects financed by foreign loans and submit a detailed report on the completion rates for those projects and the technical and legal problems, if any, to the Ministerial Council for the Economy." to decide.”

    Added 02/19/2024 - 10:50 PM
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