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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    They stressed that Parliament faces a great responsibility in legislating important laws...Two repre

    Admin Assist
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    They stressed that Parliament faces a great responsibility in legislating important laws...Two repre Empty They stressed that Parliament faces a great responsibility in legislating important laws...Two repre

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 May 2024, 4:14 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]They stressed that Parliament faces a great responsibility in legislating important laws...Two representatives, through Al-Zawraa, determine the options for deciding the election of the Speaker of Parliament and warn of the repercussions of his delay.[/size]

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    Hussein Falih:
    Two representatives identified the options for deciding the election of the Speaker of Parliament, and while they warned of the impact of his delay on the legislative performance of the House of Representatives, they stressed that Parliament faces a great responsibility in legislating important laws.
    Representative from the State of Law coalition and member of the Parliamentary Education Committee, Firas Al-Muslimaoui, said in an interview: The issue of electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives was resolved within the Sunni component, and the solution lies in Sunni-Sunni dialogue and concessions from all Sunni parties, and giving priority to the public interest in order to determine a mechanism for selecting a person to fill the position of Speaker. The House of Representatives, in order to resolve this long-delayed issue. Pointing out that in the second round, the coordination framework clearly took the initiative to advance the selection and election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    He added: The House of Representatives now works with the presidency on behalf of the House of Representatives, as the highest legislative institution in the country must have a role in legislating important laws and performing the oversight role, and this is what we expect from the House of Representatives. Stressing that today, Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi has a great responsibility to bear in order to advance the progress of Parliament, especially since the budget tables have reached Parliament.
    He pointed out: The Parliament’s agenda for yesterday’s session included 6 legislative paragraphs, three of which were votes on laws, and therefore we are facing a great responsibility that cannot be waived or stopped, which is legislating laws, performing the oversight role, and approving budget schedules, given that the budget that we voted on is a tripartite budget for three. For continuous years, we will vote on tables that include financial numbers and do not include written paragraphs, but rather tables that contain numbers mathematically, and thus the House of Representatives can increase, decrease, or vote on the budget tables that came from the Council of Ministers.
    He stressed that the House of Representatives, its members and the presidency face a great national responsibility to carry out its duties in legislation and oversight in order to preserve and fulfill the mandate and oath taken by the members of the House of Representatives.
    He continued: We declare our full and great support for the Presidency in performing its legislative and oversight role. Stating: As parliamentary committees, we are continuing meetings to complete legislation for the sectoral committees within the House of Representatives, and we will come forcefully to the dome of Parliament in order to vote on the projects that the Iraqi people need, and we will not give up our oversight role before the executive institutions in fulfillment of the oath and mandate entrusted to members of the House of Representatives and in accordance with the constitution and system. The internal procedures of the House of Representatives and the law of the House of Representatives and its formations.
    For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Representative Muhammad Al-Khafaji, said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: In the second session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives, none of the candidates obtained the absolute majority achieved in this session of 166 deputies or votes, so we are facing a third session to elect the President. .
    He added: In the third session, we are facing one scenario. If an absolute majority is not obtained, a fourth session will take place, and so on, so we are continuing. Stressing that it is possible for the issue to be resolved through a political agreement, perhaps or by the withdrawal of one of the candidates in favor of the other candidate.[/size]
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