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    Iraq begins procedures for including contractors and employees in social security

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq begins procedures for including contractors and employees in social security Empty Iraq begins procedures for including contractors and employees in social security

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 May 2024, 6:37 am

    Iraq begins procedures for including contractors and employees in social security

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    [rtl]Today, Friday, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced the start of procedures for including contractors and employees in the Labor and Social Security Law, while revealing a new study to raise the minimum wages for workers.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Director of the Insured Affairs Department in the Department of Retirement and Social Security for Workers, Haider Kadhim Al-Waeli, said: “The Directorate of the Insured Affairs Department in the Retirement Department affiliated with the Ministry of Labor has begun the procedures for including retirees and daily wage earners in the labor law, where the concerned departments were approached to provide the names of the contracts.” For the purpose of issuing decisions to include them and paying the amounts owed to them.” [/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Waeli added, “After the issuance of Resolution 315 by the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Finance began allocating deduction percentages from the categories included above, where the deduction rate will be 17%, and 12% will be for the department concerned and 5% for contractors and employees,” indicating that “previous periods will be in A problem as they cannot be considered exempt categories as they are self-financing departments.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]He continued, “There are committees under the Labor Law, for the purpose of preparing the minimum wage for the worker and preparing a study, as previously the minimum was 170 thousand dinars, and currently 350 thousand,” indicating that “there is also a study to raise the minimum salary, after which the committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the Council.” Ministers for the purpose of approval.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He pointed out that “the department seeks, through the inspection committees, to increase the number of cadres that will be bound by the laws issued by the government, and it is not possible to cover the large numbers of projects currently in place due to the large numbers,” adding that “the number of inspection committees in Baghdad reached 30 committees, and in some The governorates have only one committee, which is not sufficient to cover the projects included and not included for the purpose of inclusion.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]He explained that "the department will include the largest number of those covered by the law inside and outside Iraq, and any person has the right to inclusion in this branch, which will provide them with a pension in the event of old age and death," pointing out that "the categories that will be included are those working for employers, as for... The voluntary retirement branch includes self-employed workers, employers, their families, owners of taxis, stalls, professions, and others.[/rtl]


    Views 51
    Added 05/24/2024 - 1:35 PM[/size]

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