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    Iraq loses 60% of its cultivated land due to river water

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq loses 60% of its cultivated land due to river water Empty Iraq loses 60% of its cultivated land due to river water

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Aug 2024, 5:04 am

    Iraq loses 60% of its cultivated land due to river water

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Ministry of Agriculture confirmed, today, Sunday, that Iraq has lost 60% of the agricultural lands irrigated by river water, indicating that the alternatives were through expansion in desert lands.
    The official spokesman for the ministry, Mohammed Al-Khazai, said in a press interview, "Iraq has lost approximately 60% of its agricultural lands due to river water scarcity and the difficult climate changes that have hit Iraq, which has forced our winter agricultural plan for the wheat crop to reduce its area to only one and a half million."
    He added, "The ministry has worked hard, in light of the challenges it has faced, to find alternatives in light of water scarcity and climate change, by expanding into desert lands by irrigating these lands with sprinklers that irrigate groundwater."
    Al-Khazai continued by saying, “We were able to cultivate 4 million dunums to compensate for the shortage in lands irrigated by rivers,” noting that “the ministry has succeeded greatly not only in producing wheat, but we have also achieved a surplus of it with a total production of 6 million and 400 thousand tons of wheat.”
    Earlier, the Iraqi Minister of Trade, Athir Al-Ghariri, announced achieving self-sufficiency in marketing wheat locally, through the use of modern agricultural and irrigation methods and other government measures to support the increase of cultivated areas.
    It is noteworthy that Iraq is the fifth most affected country by climate change according to the United Nations, and since 2020 it has witnessed a serious escalating water crisis due to the scarcity of rain and the "water war" waged against it by the upstream countries (Turkey, Iran, and Syria), with the crisis reaching its peak in 2023, when the levels of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers fell to unprecedented levels.

    Added 2024/08/11 - 12:47 PM
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