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    MP confirms government's seriousness in removing US forces from country

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    MP confirms government's seriousness in removing US forces from country Empty MP confirms government's seriousness in removing US forces from country

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Aug 2024, 5:18 am

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    [size=52]MP confirms government's seriousness in removing US forces from country[/size]
    • Today 12:29


     Member of the Parliamentary Security Committee, MP Ahmed Rahim, confirmed on Sunday that the government is serious about ending the presence of American forces in the country.
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    Rahim told Al-Maalouma, "The withdrawal of American forces from Iraq is a national decision, indicating that the government is concerned with the matter and has the initiative."
    He called on the government to "announce the results of the negotiations that took place recently in Washington regarding the schedule for the withdrawal of American forces in the coming days, noting that if an agreement is not reached, there will be a position through the Resistance Coordination and the honorable people in the House of Representatives."
    He added, "The government is serious about ending the American presence in the country and must move directly to end any attack on the security forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces."
     He pointed out that "the resistance factions and the Iraqis cannot accept the American attacks, and our position rejects the presence of any foreign force in the country, and we are currently awaiting the results of the negotiations in order to state our position for the next stage."
    It is noteworthy that the Minister of Defense led Iraq's negotiations with America in Washington recently in order to determine the dates for the withdrawal schedule from the country. End 25 F
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