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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    British Ambassador: I am being threatened in Baghdad and I am not proud of my ancestors’ record in I

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    British Ambassador: I am being threatened in Baghdad and I am not proud of my ancestors’ record in I Empty British Ambassador: I am being threatened in Baghdad and I am not proud of my ancestors’ record in I

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Aug 2024, 4:58 am

    British Ambassador: I am being threatened in Baghdad and I am not proud of my ancestors’ record in Iraq
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad Today - Follow-up 
    The British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchcock, revealed today, Thursday (August 15, 2024), that he is being threatened and that he does not encourage his relatives to visit the country, while he indicated that the British do not want to save everything in Iraq because this is the state’s duty.
    "Some armed groups do not like us," Hitchen said, according to Kurdish media. "We have many projects to preserve the tangible and intangible Iraqi culture and heritage," he added. "We do not want to save everything in Iraq because it is the duty of the Iraqi state. I think that the appropriate thing sometimes is to illuminate several options for the government, not direct projects."
    Addressing the Iraqi government, he added: “The solutions are with you, as the people of Mecca know their valleys best,” noting that “tourism depends on the country’s security, and the security situation in Iraq is 100 times better than before, but there are threats to the British, and I personally am exposed to threats, as there are some armed groups that do not like us.”
    He said, "For this reason, it is difficult for me to encourage my relatives to visit Iraq in light of the threats, the security chaos, and the lack of control over the loose weapons."
    The British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hickey, also revealed that "Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani will visit London to sign some agreements between the two countries."
    Regarding British-Iraqi relations from the mandate period until now, he said, “During this period of the Iraqi Kingdom and the British mandate, there are things that we are proud of, including the infrastructure, laws, museum, and bridges, and there are things that were investments in the country.”
    "It is certain that British domination within another country, such as Iraq, caused resentment, mobilized nationalist sentiments, and led to revolution, so I am not proud of the record of our ancestors in this regard, because morally, this domination of another country is not right," he added.
    The British ambassador stressed: "We do not have the same values ​​as our predecessors on this issue, and now we have entered a new period in the bilateral relationship, an equal partnership based on mutual respect."
    He added: "We want to expand relations from the cornerstone, to trade, combating climate change and drugs, and I believe that Mohammed Shia al-Sudani wants the same thing, and God willing, in the coming months he will visit London, and we will sign some agreements."
    The former British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hickey, previously wrote a blog post on his X account, saying that “the economic challenges facing any country cannot be overcome without also addressing the security issues.”
    He added, "As long as there is a lack of security and the presence of armed groups operating outside the control of the state, there will be no investment, job opportunities, or sustainable economic growth that Iraqis deserve."
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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 10:13 am