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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by lonelyintexas Tue 24 Mar 2015, 8:07 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    History of edits:: 24.3.2015 11:21 a.m. • 14 visits readable

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    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} chairman of the Labour and Social Affairs in Parliament MP Sadiq we hinted revealed high poverty rate in Iraq to 25% by about seven million people live below the poverty line.

    He said we hinted told {Euphrates News} "The poverty rate in Iraq rose 25% noting that" the percentage has increased due to recent events, security, forced displacement and the storming of the terrorist Daash for some provinces gangs. " 
    He explained that "the ratio was before the events of 13% and rose later to 25% about seven million people live below the poverty line Maatmthel quarter of the population of Iraq. " 
    The large number of Iraqi people are suffering from unemployment, lack of employment opportunities because of the wrong economic policies in previous years as well as the deteriorating economic and security situation in some provinces Achammalaho Bank due to storm Daash gangs her terror and displace thousands of families from their regions to turn into poor families. 
    The government is seeking to raise the standard of living of the individual and the subsidy displaced by a new political-economic status and not rely only on oil and create new jobs in the private sector and .anthy

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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by Neno Tue 24 Mar 2015, 9:19 am

    Well get it done, this is total BULLSHIT in and for any country. God didn't design this place for this. The Gov this the GOV that, sick of the talk. There is enough power in this world along with prayer to wipe out extremist evil and control it. The law system should be free and mandatory instead of the judicial systems established for money. Look at that little girl in that picture, this is totally uncalled for. I know I live in what they call a free country, it should be a free world built on christian faith and standards. No I am not perfect and lucky to be on the land I am but with all the so called military and law enforcement agencies around the world, any evil extremist can and should be wiped out imminently. Then we wait on Jesus in peace. Sorry but this crap going on in Iraq is total greed propaganda at the top and all the world leaders should be ashamed of themselves.
    Quiet Investor
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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by nitak Tue 24 Mar 2015, 10:05 am

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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 24 Mar 2015, 11:51 am

    Neno wrote:Well get it done, this is total BULLSHIT in and for any country. God didn't design this place for this. The Gov this the GOV that, sick of the talk. There is enough power in this world along with prayer to wipe out extremist evil and control it. The law system should be free and mandatory instead of the judicial systems established for money. Look at that little girl in that picture, this is totally uncalled for. I know I live in what they call a free country, it should be a free world built on christian faith and standards. No I am not perfect and lucky to be on the land I am but with all the so called military and law enforcement agencies around the world, any evil extremist can and should be wiped out imminently. Then we wait on Jesus in peace. Sorry but this crap going on in Iraq is total greed propaganda at the top and all the world leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

    i myself posted on here several years back and will happily do it again. my wife and i spent 2 years there, we drove armored tractor trailers in the combat zone in military convoys, you know, we were among the ones nobody wants the average citizen to know about. we saw it all. these people are living in a war torn country , one that has been ongoing for 25 years, the average person on the street cannot vaguely comprehend the agony suffered at the hands of their enemies from without and within.old men , old women, children , young adults begging in the streets. building after building crumbled to the ground in ruins, all for what? oil, bragging rights? a lot of the very people we worked with and their attitude toward these people alone was enough to make even the toughest men shiver to their very core. it was enough to make you physically sick. we saw fields as far as the human eye could see of burned out bombed out ancient military equipment, old russian mig jets, tanks, amphibious vehicles, artillery guns, you name it. oil coming up to the surface that stuck to the bottom of our boots when we walked. untold wealth that would be more than enough to feed, house, and cloth every citizen many times over. we went there with one thing in mind, and one thing only and that was to support our military. we were told not to open our doors and give the locals anything, food, water, what have you, but we did it anyway, we were not, i guess you would say "strong enough not to. it was the most disheartening thing i ever witnessed, and will never forget the struggles i saw these people deal with on a daily basis, the stench of death and destruction was everywhere. i will always question the "weapons of mass destruction story we were all fed" i just fail to see how. after almost 2 years i was in a convoy leaving anaconda (the largest held u.s. base in iraq) when an ied was hit by an incoming convoy.i was in my truck about 50 to 75 feet away and the blast was bad enough to get my truck, i will never know the fate of the people inside the m wrap that took the initial impact of the blast. i was sent to the canadian hospital in united arab emirates, and a week later i chose to go back to iraq even though i didn't have to, because my wife was still in iraq and there was no way in hell i was leaving without her. i had multiple injuries , but none severe enough to keep me from going back. finally in january of 2010 we came home for good. i would go back tomorrow if i could and do whatever i could to help the people of iraq, but i'm not able to. my friends and family think i'm nuts for even going there to begin with, much less going back. i have a long way to go before all my medical is done , but my condition pales in comparison to the suffering of the iraqi people. god bless, and keep them. i truly hope their suffering will end soon and they can return to some form of normalcy. if there is anybody on this forum who would like to hear more from me about this i would be more than willing to share my experiences with them. thanks to all for reading what i have to say.

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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by Neno Tue 24 Mar 2015, 12:00 pm

    If you want your own section to get things off your chest, you just say the word bro, I can create anything. You know from many times in the past...THANK YOU!.. ;)
    DieHard Investor
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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by Franky Tue 24 Mar 2015, 12:07 pm

    Fonz..... I would Love to talk or email back and forth!! stories like that is what Life is all about!! so much more to life then the money itself of this investment! so many messed up Fathers and Mothers in our great country that sit on welfare and CAN work! our system over here have created a whole generation of messed up thinking!! anyway I would love to talk to REAL people like you and your wife!!! ;) God bless you all!!
    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 24 Mar 2015, 12:12 pm

    Neno wrote:If you want your own section to get things off your chest, you just say the word bro, I can create anything. You know from many times in the past...THANK YOU!.. ;)

      thank you for all you do neno. i just wanted to say some things i thought needed to be said.if i do need a section to get things off my chest i will let you know and i know you will "make it happen" thanks again.
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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 24 Mar 2015, 12:21 pm

    Franky wrote:Fonz..... I would Love to talk or email back and forth!! stories like that is what Life is all about!! so much more to life then the money itself of this investment! so many messed up Fathers and Mothers in our great country that sit on welfare and CAN work! our system over here have created a whole generation of messed up thinking!! anyway I would love to talk to REAL people like you and your wife!!! ;) God bless you all!!

     absolutely Franky. the investment , if it bears fruit would be nice to say the least, but as you said money isn't everything, it's just a luxury to have it. i am always willing to share my stories and you can email me at any time you wish at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and i would be happy to hear from you or anybody else that is willing to take the time to do so.

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    Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line Empty Re: Parliamentary work: a quarter of the Iraqi people under the poverty line

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