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    Maliki's coalition is spearheading a campaign to block the opening of the Saudi embassy in Baghdad

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Maliki's coalition is spearheading a campaign to block the opening of the Saudi embassy in Baghdad Empty Maliki's coalition is spearheading a campaign to block the opening of the Saudi embassy in Baghdad

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 25 Jun 2015, 4:06 pm

    [size=33]Maliki's coalition is spearheading a campaign to block the opening of the Saudi embassy in Baghdad[/size]

    Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -25 June: A leading figure in the National Alliance, on Thursday, the State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki, is spearheading a campaign within the bloc "National Alliance in Parliament, to put pressure on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in order to block the agreement with Saudi Arabia to open its embassy in Baghdad, taking advantage of the issue of secret documents leaked in the site "Wikileaks".

    An official, who preferred anonymity, that "the State of Law Coalition mobilizes within the coalition to block agreement on opening an embassy Riyadh in Baghdad," noting that "a lot of members and leaders of the coalition blocks in favor of the idea, and are skeptical about the intentions of Saudi Arabia to open embassy".

    The leader to, that "the coalition does not reject the Iraqi openness to the Arab world, but at the same time does not accept that this openness is the interest of the country and the Iraqi people account," pointing out that "the Wikileaks documents confirmed that Saudi Arabia does not want the country's interest, and it is a state conspire on Iraq. " As he says

    The official stressed that "the rule of law and many of the leaders of the coalition, seeking to put pressure on al-Abadi to wait to open an embassy Riyadh, and review the topic in all its details." Ended (1) 

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