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    Baghdad governorate confirm the completion rates in the advanced school buildings projects

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277455
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Baghdad governorate confirm the completion rates in the advanced school buildings projects Empty Baghdad governorate confirm the completion rates in the advanced school buildings projects

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Jan 2016, 8:19 am

    Baghdad governorate confirm the completion rates in the advanced school buildings projects

    Written by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Date: 01/23/2016 14:08

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    Baghdad - INA / announced the province of Baghdad, on Saturday, the achievement of an advanced school completion rates in the projects in the capital.
    The official spokesman for the Baghdad governorate, morning Zangana, in a statement, "The Iraqi news agency" has received a copy of it, that "school projects within the investment plan of the Ministry of Education has been completed 100% and that the business the rest of the school projects going on and going mounting pace and proportions advanced achievement", He is stressing that "the governor of Baghdad, Ali Mohsen al-Tamimi may face and with great interest all administrative units and sub-departments and divisions concerned technical and engineering Balhoan follow-up projects and emphasis to speed up the completion."
    He said Zangana, that "the report of the Directorate of the safe hand, shows the continuing and advanced achievement rates of school buildings projects."
    He said the director Amer Al Ameri, "have been working according to the directives of the governor of Baghdad of intensifying follow-up field for these projects, as included conducting field visits to schools by 18 description and the other 12 classes in areas Saidiya neighborhood of Jihad, as well as a project to build Gables in the neighborhood of the media, as well as the continuation of the Directorate of receipt citizens' transactions relating to compensate those affected by the terrorist attacks and to provide all the facilities. "

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