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    Reforms package aimed at encouraging the private sector

    Admin Assist
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    Reforms package aimed at encouraging the private sector Empty Reforms package aimed at encouraging the private sector

    Post by Rocky Mon 21 Mar 2016, 3:05 am

    Reforms package aimed at encouraging the private sector

    3/21/2016 0:00 

    [rtl] BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi 
    guest of the Institute of the progress of policy development at a seminar organized yesterday, the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister to talk about the document ofgovernment reforms, especially with regard to the economic aspect, which recently launched a focused seminar , which was attended by economists and policy researchers in legal affairs and business, the importance of holding Ministerial change according to the criterion of efficiency as a principle basis of choice. 
     initiated the seminar which was attended by the «morning» speech by Director of theInstitute d. Mehdi al - Hafez, who urged through which the importance of forming agovernment of competence and expertise and overcome the custom which originated in 2003, containing the principle of quotas and reliance on technology and expertise of technocrats, to the country 's need for competencies to overcome the economic crisis and take it out of the problem through the implementation of planned reforms.Economies in the world He said Hafiz in his speech , it was the first time that thegovernment - initiated reforms based on the importance and the need for taking into account what is happening in the world. after that the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister Dr. occur. Mahdi Keywords about the document reforms, pointing out that it wasbuilt on the basis of experience and competence to achieve its goal of reform in terms ofraising the level of performance and compatibility and anti - corruption. He noted that Prime Minister adopted launch reforms package aimed at supporting and encouraging the private sector and prepare the file included several axes in agriculture, industry and tourism. He Keywords that reform document built on a set of documents and expertise ,and part of it prepared in cooperation with experts from the «Institute of governance Canadian» and experts from the Swedish development Agency for the development ofstandards and the preparation of the basic principles in the document. He hinted Keywords Presenting the axes document the existence of an item on the improvement of the budget through evaluation forms concerning the work of the ministries and thedevelopment of a five - year plan aimed at raising non - oil budget revenues to reach more than 30 trillion dinars , adding that this is linked to the implementation of theactivities developed in the first three stages relate to the short period and includes seven initiatives followed by the second and third phase , which ends in 2020 , pointing out that commitment to that plan would move the economy quantum leap. prepare a plan and said the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister to the existence of «a ministerial pledge» right document designed to adhere to the principles of the document and theministerial program where he committed the new minister in which to prepare a plan ofaction within 7 days of taking charge associated with the program government in order toachieve a breakthrough in the performance of the minister and the ministry alike. He Keywords that the government program launched in 2014 , are being adapted as part of a reform document through the use of «UNDP» for an air - conditioning process for theremainder of the life of the program , which is linked to the prioritization in light of thecurrent financial situation as a result of lower oil prices. Various sectors and pointed out that it is for the different sectors to develop, including the agricultural, industrial, housing the Central Bank of the development of mechanisms for the distribution of the first meal of the loans as well as the allocation of funds to pay farmers dues by the Council ofMinisters accompanied by the presence of a project to revise the law of agricultural property to restore life to the hundreds of thousands of acres of untapped because ofproperty law , not to mention the procedures relating to the application of tariff law andcustoms.[/rtl]

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