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    Speech by the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives by hosting the text of Secretary-Gen

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    Speech by the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives by hosting the text of Secretary-Gen Empty Speech by the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives by hosting the text of Secretary-Gen

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Mar 2016, 3:16 am

    [size=32]Speech by the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives by hosting the text of Secretary-General of the United Nations[/size]

    1:30:29 03/27/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad , Secretary -General of the United Nations ... Mr. President , World Bank ... Mr. President of the Islamic Development Bank ... on behalf of myself and on behalf of themembers of the Iraqi Council ofRepresentatives ...and on behalf of theIraqi people ...Welcome Welcome in the capital Baghdad and in the Iraqi Council ofRepresentatives ...appreciate yourExcellency for this historic visit in this circumstance sensitive ... and that this indicates anything , it expresses the solidarity of theinternational community and thevarious institutions with Iraq and standing by the Iraqi people in their ordeal and in the internecine war against terrorism ... and extremism inall its forms ... Dear guests .. gives me great pleasure to address you from this podium representatives of theIraqi people , which seeks, with all theirsects and ethnicities and its components, because living in ahomeland of peace, compassion and love prevails, and looks forward to walk vigorous steps towards sustainable development and progress in all areas of life ... that the Iraqi people and patient, determined to meet the challenges ... and combatting terrorism and those in conflict with Islam , humanity and noble values, and those who arrived up as today 's threat to the global community as a whole ... and worst of all, they twist theinterpretation theword of God to justify their heinous crimes ... whether in Paris or Istanbul or Brussels .. or on theland of Iraq and Syria ... in this important historical juncture, and we face thegreatest humanitarian crises tragic, come visit to Iraq , which isgoing through a real test of our resolve and our ability to do right and the hard work to serve our people ... so come visit precious this, at a time and circumstance very complicated and we do our best to meet them, and thebattlefields against terrorism much day after day in our cities and villages ...therefore, you must be a military worked against Daash and thevarious Photos terrorism field and progress we aremaking with thesupport integrated international alliance with the political and economic inclusive process and a new perspective aims to root out terrorism and its roots in thought and being from the land of Iraq ... on this basis, we have resolute to continue to liberate our land, and to proceed witheconomic reforms and political and activate thecommunity reconciliation process as the basis for acomprehensive national reconciliation ... as we have the full importance of the integrated and deal and interact political process and upon which to build thegovernance system in Iraq with a new UN strategy announced by Mr. Secretary -General of the United Nations officially launched in September 2015. certainty where represent that strategy the new transmission task of the (MDGs), which were designed in their entirety to reduce the levels ofpoverty in the world, to (for the 2030 sustainable development strategy) or the so -called (global goals) ,which involve a broader agenda ,including thedemocratic government 'sempowerment, and building peace, andsustainable development. as part of our vision for thefuture of Iraq for thepost - Daash, which are working on integration with theglobal vision and direction of theUnited Nations and the World Bank, we believe that the post -Daash mainly depends on the nature of the editing area operations Daash, and in particular theimportance of relying on the energies oflocal communities in those areas, abilities and experience in fighting terrorism and keeping the land, Factors true victory in the battle and then sustainable security and peace restored in the next stage built from now, and inparticular the concept of liberating the land and easily, upon seeing Mr. Secretary - General of the United Nations , which emphasizes the importance ofactivating theintegration (international aid programs), with (international development programs), to achieve sustainable development, any benefit from theintegration of thegreat experiences of United Nations organizations in theprovision of various humanitarian aid programs, and deep expertise of theWorld Bank through its work continued with developing countries in various areas ofdevelopment, and integrated with thevision of thePresident of theWorld Bank that sustainable development requires a stable societies, and abilities ofgovernment capable of providing civic services, and civil peace sustainable ...we find that our people in Iraq and the Middle East and North Africa, passing the conditions of aheated and expanded cross-border conflict, so it is most important elements of the implementation of the new strategy is to build acomprehensive governments of all the components of the people, a genuine political and participation in thedecision of war and peace, and to enable communities andlocal governments are able to provide services and maintain security and domestic tranquility, provide jobs and local economy capable of accommodate thehuman young and enormous power enjoyed by our communities .... and ask about all this support and Tnivkm steps straightforward process with local governments to implement the United Nations strategy (sustainable development in 2030) for starting from thenewly liberated areas and ending for all communities and provinces of Iraq ...building therefore, we here the vision of an integrated strategy and comprehensive to get rid of terrorism and from the clutches of extremism in all its forms and manifestations, for cemented the social fabric, and to achieve societal reconciliation, and build civil peace, and sustainable development, economic well -being sought by thepeople of Iraq and thepeople of the region as a whole: First ,adopt such acomprehensive strategy and integrated military, political and economic pillars, integrated and interacting with each other , and thus lead to the integration and interaction of state authorities , both theexecutive and legislature with thejudicial notch, andwith the local communities and their governments.And thus to bridge the gap between society and state institutions. Second , the military strategy must rely on / invest in / human potential local enormous clan and fabric that still represents thefoundations ofinterdependence important social fabric in different parts of Iraq, especially in theareas occupied by theDaash and support for the leadership of the Liberation regions operations, here , through so -step process is establishing a sense of community citizenship and possession ofaccomplishment and triumph, which are considered the most important factors toactivate the local community work ...Third political strategy which isbased the idea of thenecessity of adopting the government and parliament to theprocess ofcommunity reconciliation as abasis for national reconciliation, and the adoption of thegovernment to theidea ofdecentralization and restructuring powers and responsibilities and start transported to local governments and to activate its role and enable its functions in providing services and managing reconstruction file security in all of Iraq 's provinces. here ,we can start thegovernorates and regions newly liberated from theclutches of Daash order to support thelocal governments where and enable them to bring life to its cities and re -displaced people to it, and thus meet thepolitical and service vacuum that has implemented it Daash or other again terrorist organizations ... and here comes your role is important and essential Dear sirs Excellencies of the United Nations , the World Bank and the Islamic development Bank ... while we thank theWorld Bank to customize it (20) billion payable over five years in soft loans for the Middle East and North Africa, incollaboration with theIslamic development Bank and the support of the United Nations, we hope to be in Iraq, especially through direct work with local governments, asignificant share of these allocations and programs ... in this difficult days, and when we look in the faces of the sons and daughters of our people, we see in their eyes exhaustion from bearing theconsequences ofcrises rolled us and them decades ago, hestarted from thedictatorship abhorrent, passing through the sway ofterrorism, and then forced displacement, and forced displacement, and then reprisals and criminal, and beyond the lack of the most basic elements oftheir return - of security and basic services - to their areas despite thepassage of a long time to edit their areas ... Therefore, Iam not exaggerating, gentlemen , when I say: We have reached the limits of our capacity to endure, and we need a rapid and direct work with local governments in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of those areas projects and within the UN strategy on sustainable development in 2030's to bring life to those areas of theframework, but not the newly liberated areas , the first of a national strategy to activate thedecentralization and empowerment ofprovincial and local governments to manage their societies affairs sectarian and ethnic Btnoatha herself and extensive representation of all communities components, but Nbde of the liberated areas of Conception terrorism ...Distinguished guests .. you and to support Iraq to move in this comprehensive defeat Daash demolished byMahlin citizens strategy, and thereconstruction ofliberated areas through local governments, and then security and stability to achieve sustainable development through direct work with local communities including all ethnic and sectarian, ethnic and religious components, you arenot you just securing the necessary assistance to millions, but you arehelping my country to continue to do what is right: it is totake responsibility for the task in the region and on behalf of thewhole world in thefight against terrorism and defeat all aspects ofextremism, and then the achievement ofMarch 26 2016 theinformation Office[You must be registered and logged in to see this 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