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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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3 posters

    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

    Interacting Investor
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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 03 May 2013, 10:55 am

    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Zebari to visit United States

    03-05-2013 04:43 PM

    (newsletter).The Foreign Minister welcomed the United States John
    Kerry, during a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister Hoshyar
    Zebari, on Friday, the understanding and the recent agreement between
    the Federal Government and the Government of the territory and the
    return of the Ministers and members of Parliament from the Kurdish
    Alliance in Baghdad.

    According to a statement by the Foreign
    Affairs received (News Agency) a copy of it: it was during a call
    received by Zebari, Iraqi-American relations and the importance of
    activating the work of the ministerial coordinating committees between
    the two countries within the framework of the strategy.

    The statement said: the Minister Kerry officially invited the Foreign Minister of Iraq to visit Washington next month.

    added: the Minister for Foreign Affairs of America welcomed the
    understanding and the recent agreement between the Federal Government
    and the territorial Government as well as the return of the Ministers
    and members of Parliament from the Kurdish Alliance in Baghdad for the
    continued practice of their role in the constitutional institutions of
    the State and perpetuates the neighbourhood between the parties and
    promoting national partnership and solve problems in accordance with the
    law and the Constitution./finished/s. a./

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    Interacting Investor
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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty US official invitation to Zebari to visit Washington next month

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 03 May 2013, 11:29 am

    US official invitation to Zebari to visit Washington next month

    03-01-2013-18: 54
    | Source:


    Editor: Ammar ANI

    Alsumaria news/Baghdad
    u.s. State Department, issued Friday, a formal invitation to Iraqi
    Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to visit Washington next month, while
    welcoming the return of the Ministers and deputies Kurd to Government

    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued
    today, and received "alsumaria news", "Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari
    received today a telephone call from Secretary of State John Kerry",
    stating that "the two sides discussed u.s.-Iraq relations and the
    importance of activating the work of the ministerial coordinating
    committees between the two countries under the strategic framework

    The Ministry said that "Kerry in an official
    invitation to Zebari to visit Washington next month," Noting that it
    "welcomed the understanding and agreement between the Governments of
    recent status, region, and the return of the Ministers and members of
    Parliament from the Kurdish Alliance Government for the continued
    exercise of their role in the constitutional institutions of the State".

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki agreed with the President of the
    Kurdistan Regional Government nechirvan Barzani, in 29 April 2013,
    problem solving and terminate the crisis based on the Constitution and
    the federal system under the unified, and the need to pass laws and
    legislation "mission" to resolve the outstanding issues as "oil and gas
    , and confirmed the continuation of meetings and enhancing
    communication, emphasized the promote security coordination across Iraq.

    signed and the United States at the end of November 2008, the strategic
    framework was named Convention to support Iraqi ministries and agencies
    in the transition from the strategic partnership with the Republic of
    Iraq to the areas of economic, diplomatic, cultural and security, as
    well as providing sustainable rule of law mission including police
    development programme and completion of the work of coordination,
    supervision and report of Iraq relief and reconstruction.

    expected to continue to do Iraq and the United States during the next
    phase in what is known as (strategic framework), which provides for
    Exchange and partnership between the two countries in political,
    economic, diplomatic, cultural and security.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty Re: Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 03 May 2013, 11:31 am

    The editor for Ipaq Iraq does not know how place the dates correctly. It's been like this for this site for quite sometime now. Here's the date that's posted for the article above..

    03-01-2013-18: 54
    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty Re: Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

    Post by Zuzu Fri 03 May 2013, 2:53 pm

    yes, it comes out wrong in translation, however before you translate it the date says

    03-05-2013 - 18:54
    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty Re: Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

    Post by day dreamer Fri 03 May 2013, 3:59 pm

    u.s. State
    Department, issued
    Friday, a formal invitation to Iraqi
    Foreign Minister
    Hoshyar Zebari to
    visit Washington next

    so we know Zebari will be in
    Washington next month and
    he's the one that normally comes and ask for out of

    I like that this is an official


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    Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze Empty Re: Kerry welcomed the return of the Ministers and Deputy to Baghdad and the Kurdish Alliance invites Ze

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