Baghdad / Iraq News Network called on the Vice President of the Board of Commissioners in theelection commission Kata Zubai, Thursday, political parties in Iraq , whether modern or configuration problem in the past and that previously participated in the elections to speed up the review of the Electoral Commission / circuit parties and organizations in a statement Alssayash.oukal Zubai today: " the number of parties that have applied for registration up to this day amounted to (45) of them political party (13) , a new party , while the total number of parties ,which provided for the registration of which participated in the previous electoral processes (32) , apolitical party , " pointing out that " time passes quickly and there is a time to identify and date installed in the law of the registration process after the republic presidency approval was published in the official Gazette , " is noteworthy that the House proceeded to political parties and organizations law No. (36) for the year 2015 and ratified by the presidency of the Republic was published in the official Gazette and taken Commission procedures in the formation of theDepartment of party affairs and issued instructions and procedures and rules of conduct for thepurpose of working on the reception of applications for registration in accordance with the law.