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    Salahuddin operations: wait "zero hour" for the Liberation of Sharqat

    Admin Assist
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    Salahuddin operations: wait "zero hour" for the Liberation of Sharqat Empty Salahuddin operations: wait "zero hour" for the Liberation of Sharqat

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Aug 2016, 3:23 am

    Salahuddin operations: wait "zero hour" for the Liberation of Sharqat

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Confirmed the leadership of Salahuddin operations, on Tuesday, they wait fordetermining the "zero hour" for the Liberation spend Sharqat, north of Tikrit, after completing the edit hand Qayyarah, south ofMosul, and in the administration of justice criticized the "weakness" the necessary preparations to receive the more than 50 thousand displaced people, said Council maintaining that " the sheer number and is not expected" of displaced people last edited Sharqat process for busy their security forces and to ensure that the infiltration of "terrorists" among the ranks. 
    a spokesman for the leadership of Salahuddin operations Col. Mohammed al - Asadi, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the formations of leadership is preparing now for the Liberation of Sharqat, (120 km north of Tikrit) city, having completed the editing Qayyarah Airport, south of Mosul , "noting that" theleadership of Salahuddin operations, finalized the plan for it and brought the joint Special operations command, pending determine the general commander of the armed forces the zero hour for the start of thebattle. " 
    he said al - Asadi, that" Sharqat fully enclosed at the moment , "expected" the start of the battle to liberate the judiciary in less than ten days. " 
    he said al - Asadi, said : " what concerns us now is the evacuation of displaced people who were not theirnumber into account, " pointing out that " the number of displaced people reached 12 thousand families." 
    for his part, Mayor spend Sharqat, Ali Aldodh, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the security forces arrived at the 8 km south of Sharqat, which led to banditry and supplies for the judiciary two months ago ,"pointing out that" life has become completely paralyzed in Sharqat. " 
    He denied Aldodh, the existence of " any preparations for receiving the displaced from Sharqat both by thelocal government in salads or the Ministry of Displacement and migration , "adding that there is " one camp in the silo pilgrims, which may accommodate a thousand people, while currently the number of displaced people in it to about 50 thousand people. " 
    for his part, the Council of Salahuddin province , a member of Khazaal Hammad, said in an interview to the(long - Presse)," the battle of Sharqat currently parked preoccupied with security forces to receive a huge number and unexpectedly displaced people ", pointing out that" the army receives a very large group of displaced Sharqat day and gather them and take them to the northern city of Baiji, (40 km north of Tikrit), then to the silo periorbital area, allocated for relief, south of Sharqat , toward Baghdad. "

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