BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq examined the Oil Ministry, Wednesday, with Russia 's Gazprom,the oil industry and increase production Badra Alnafty.ozkr field development ministry said in astatement today: " The oil minister Jabbar Allaibi received today a delegation from Russia 'sGazprom , headed by Sergei Carvov" noting that " the meeting , they discussed bilateral cooperation and increase production in the Badra oil field and the development of the oil industry in the country . " He said the minister, according to the statement, said that "the Ministry hasambitious plans and strategy of a large and promising projects to develop the oil industry in Iraq, and it 's on the verge of a new era through opening the door for investment in all areas of the oil industry . "He added Allaibi, that" the ministry is urgently seeking in order to overcome all theobstacles facing the company 's business . "explained the statement, that" the meeting included adetailed explanation of the company 's work in the Badra oil field and future plans during next year 2017 , "explaining that" the minister stressed the need to move up the completion of the objectives set out in the increase of production . " For his part, stressed Carvov, that his company" is seeking to develop work with the Ministry of oil and move towards new horizons of work in the coming period through increased production. "