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    A parliamentary committee: defense are 11 trillion dinars within the 2017 budget

    Admin Assist
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    A parliamentary committee: defense are 11 trillion dinars within the 2017 budget Empty A parliamentary committee: defense are 11 trillion dinars within the 2017 budget

    Post by Rocky Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:59 am

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    A parliamentary committee: defense are 11 trillion dinars within the 2017 budget

     Baghdad / term 

    Economic Commission revealed that the 2017 budget includes allocation of 11 trillion dinars to the Ministry of Defense, and pointed to theextension of contracts Order forward with aChinese weapons companies valued at 2.500 billion dollars in favor of the defense, interior and body crowd and a fight against terrorism. 
    He was scheduled to see the parliamentary session, yesterday, the vote on accounts final for the years 2008, 2009.2010, 2011. as yesterday 's meeting agenda included, read the report and discuss the draft (the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for fiscal year 2017). 
    did parliament explaining the reasons not to put the two laws at the meeting and limited to some projects other laws. 
    she MP Najiba Najib, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic block, at a press conference in the parliament building and attended (range), " the federal budget for 2017 of 100 trillion Iraqi dinars, distributed deficit 22 trillion, and between 75 trillion and operational expenses, and 25 trillion of investment expenses." 
    she said Najib "21.659 trillion is the size of the domestic and foreign loans to deal with the existing balance the 2017 deficit and the share of what was done to the people of the Kurdistan region of these loans is equal to 4.331 trillion dinars." 
    she member of the economic Committee that " the amount of compensation of employees for the Kurdistan region and contained in the budget worth 3 trillion and 798 billion , 572 million and 52 thousand dinars. " 
    The member of the Kurdistan Democratic bloc that" the budget committed the government to allocate part of the budget of the ground forces of the Peshmerga forces who have been considered as part of the national defense system. " 
     Najib She continued that" the draft budget only this expressive text without mentioning any Peshmerga financial allocations in the defense budget or the budget of the commander in chief of the armed forces , as itdid for the rest of the armed formations of the Iraqi army and popular crowd. " 
    Najiba Najib revealed that" the financial allocations earmarked for the defense sector alone are estimated at11 trillion dinars, also allocated money for many and many of them formations including approximately 100 billion dinars for the Directorate of disarmament and integration of the militias did not give any amount to thePeshmerga forces. " 
    revealed a member of the economic Committee that" the budget included contracts for the purchase ofweapons Order on credit from the two Chinas (Norpenneko poly) of $ (2.500) billion dollars for each of the ministries of defense, interior and body the crowd and a fight against terrorism , without reference to thePeshmerga forces and this is a constitutional violation. " 
    In the context of the meeting yesterday, the House voted yesterday on a legal" to prevent the use and spread of Occlusive weapons, " as well as" public body to monitor the allocation of federal revenues. " Parliament also hosted the Minister of Electricity to answer the question by some lawmakers. 
    And attended by 178 deputies of the session the House of Representatives, and decided the presidency ofparliament to adjourn the meeting until the day next Monday, 11.7.2016. 
    I got ( the long - Presse) a copy of the law and as provided by law: comes 
    first article : a / punishable by death anyone who commits a murder, or initiated a firearm silencer. 
    b / punished with imprisonment for life anyone who possesses or carrying, manufacture or repair a firearm Katma sound or muffler only or dealer him or hyped. 
    Article II: this law shall be the date of its publication in the official Gazette. 
    the statement added that "the House of Representatives completed voting on the draft General Authority Act to monitor the allocation of federal revenues and provided financial committees and the regions and governorates not organized in a region , " noting that " the law is intended to establish a federal agency toensure control and achieve justice in the allocation of federal revenue in the regions and governorates not organized in a region and the distribution of grants, aid and international loans, providing a benefit for all components of Iraqi society in line with the principles of fairness and transparency, approved by theConstitution in Article 106. " 
    the statement pointed out that" the House of Representatives hosted Minister of Electricity Qassim Fahdawi to answer an oral question submitted by MP Hashem Radhi al - Musawi. " 
    in a related context, the presidency of the Council of Representatives , said in a brief statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that it" would be announced within the next week the names of deputies who Gaabathm exceeded the legal limit. "
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