BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq and Communications Minister Kazem Hassan Rashid and Minister of Communications and IT Iranian information, Mahmoud and preachers agreed to lower tariffs for international calls to mobile phones by 50% . He said the preachers at a press conference with Iraqi Minister of Communications on Monday, in Tehran: "operators phones in Iraq, calls willbe reduced by 50 percent , starting from today . "He added that" the two sides agreed to launch a new line of communication, where currently there are five direct lines between the two countries and will rise to six lines . "He explained the minister and preachers, that" the exchange of contacts between Iran and Iraq it is across Europe, and made available direct link last year, which led to shorten the distance , "noting that" Iranian and Iraqi side Idonan roadmap for communication, and that they would take decisions conducive to increasing the quality of services in the light of the citizens of the two countries and mutual ongoing visits on various occasions. " for his part, Ministerof communications Kazem Hassan Rashed, "due to the presence of Iranian pilgrims in the ceremony forty visit, Iraq is ready to cut mobile phone calls by 50 percent."