BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq called MP from Maliki 's coalition high Nassif, on Monday, the Shiite alliance and all of the sponsors of a political settlement , whether the United Nations or other coverage of al - Issawi and al - Hashemi, a dagger and Najafi and Dari, this Altsoeh.oukalt Nassif , in a statement today: "It must should not be placed on the list of settlement violated the blood of the Iraqi people and allowed Daesh enter Iraq likes Rafie al - Issawi and Tariq al - Hashimi and Khamis dagger and the Liberation of Iraq , and Jamal al - Dari , and all of the blood on his handswith the blood of his people and plotted on the country . "She added, that" whether a settlement under the auspices of the United Nations or any party , it puts his hand , however , they have often Khan of his people, "expressing Tsaalha saying:" what we have to say to the martyrs and victims of terrorism and to the people of the martyrs of Spyker and all of the killed terrorists Daesh cold blood if we let pass a political settlement with these killers ".oohart to," the need to be political forces, especially the National Alliance warned of such a political settlement and to ensure that does not include the blood on their hands the blood of the Iraqi people. "