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    Iraqi jets kill 5 ISIS fighters west of Anbar


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Iraqi jets kill 5 ISIS fighters west of Anbar Empty Iraqi jets kill 5 ISIS fighters west of Anbar

    Post by jedi17 Thu 15 Dec 2016, 5:13 pm

    [size=39]Iraqi jets kill 5 ISIS fighters west of Anbar[/size]

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    Iraqi Sukhoi aircraft. File photo.

    Anbar ( Iraqi army aircraft killed five Islamic State (ISIS) militants on Thursday west of Ramadi, Anbar province, an al-Hashd al-Shaabi intelligence official said.
    The five killed in a haven at the center of the town of Rawa included five foreigners, according to Nazem al-Jugheifi, an intelligence official at Anbar’s popular mobilization.
    He said military equipment belonging to the group were destroyed in the strike.
    Some regions in western Anbar are still under ISIS control since the extremist group came to light in 2014. The province is anticipating ground operations by security and tribal forces to liberate those towns which the group used as launching points for attacks on security and civilians.
    Iraqi government forces, assisted by popular mobilization groups and US-led air forces have been launching offensives on several ISIS strongholds in Iraq since October, most notably at the city of Mosul, ISIS’s last bastion in Iraq and the country’s second biggest city.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 1:35 pm