Baghdad / Iraq News Network signed the Iraqi government, on Sunday, with the European Union , a European grant worth 86 million euros agreement ($ 91 million), to restore stability to the areas liberated from the grip of militants organize "Daesh." Said Abdul Zahra al - Hindawi , spokesman of the Iraqi Ministry of Planning in a press statement today: " The Planning Minister Salman camel representatives from the government, signed today in Baghdad with Patrick Simonet European Union 's ambassador in Iraq , the grant of the European agreement to support and stabilize the areas liberated from the control of Daesh." Hindawi said that "financial grant borne by each of the EU member states valued at the amount of 14 million euros (14.7 million dollars), while the bear nations within the international coalition which 19 countries rest of the money, and who will pay to Iraq several years." Convention 's program will include over the next year in 2017, the rehabilitation of 15 projects of infrastructure projects in the liberated areas, and special programs 200 financial loan to set up small businesses in those areas to mitigate the spread over 10 - liberated areas of poverty. And exposed infrastructure , Iraqi ministries in the provinces that have undergone, and are subject to parts of them under the control of "Daesh," to big losses, including electric power projects and government installations, estimated at billions of dollars. Iraqi government forces began on 17 October / October last, large - scale military campaign of air support from the international coalition countries, to restore the Mosul al Daesh, the last major strongholds of the militants in Iraq.