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    Minister of Commerce is to secure the ration card in the coming months

    Admin Assist
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    Minister of Commerce is to secure the ration card in the coming months Empty Minister of Commerce is to secure the ration card in the coming months

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2013, 12:09 pm

    Minister of Commerce is to secure the ration card in the coming months
        07/08/2013 - 15:48     

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    Commerce Minister promised Khairallah Hassan Babiker, on Monday, securing the ration card in the coming months, while pointing out that the ministry has started processing warehouses in Baghdad and the provinces since last Saturday.

    He said Babacar in a press conference held in the parliament building on the sidelines hosted by the Committee for Economy and Investment parliamentary and attended "Alsumaria News", "The Ministry of Commerce has a clear roadmap to secure food supplies and in good times information," noting that "the last period has seen some of the problems and constraints The citizen has nothing to do with it. "

    He said Babacar that "the ministry will supply families with materials lentils, flour zero and edible oil rose two meals because of the delayed meal last month, as well as processing rice Bustma, and sugar," noting that "the ministry received three million and 42 thousand tons of wheat, local, and we have sad strategist of wheat, Canadian, American, Australian, Russian and enough flour to ten months. "

    The Minister of Trade, "it was per patient as the subject of the basket by the prime minister for technical reasons," pointing out that "the ministry has a future roadmap to put an end to obstacles in order to create a mechanism for the processing and distribution of materials."

    The Ministry of Commerce announced in the Ministry of Commerce announced in Iraq (18 June 2013), for increasing the share of the ration card items and add other materials during the holy month of Ramadan, while confirming that it will take strict and deterrent measures against violators.

    The distribution of the ration card items to be provided annually by four million and 400 thousand tons of wheat and about one million tons of rice and 800 thousand tons of sugar and 500 thousand tons of baby formula and 600 thousand tons of edible oil.

    And supports the majority of Iraqis on the ration card in their daily lives since the start of the international embargo on Iraq in 1991 after its invasion of Kuwait, and includes ration per capita rice, flour, vegetable oil, sugar and powdered milk (for children) as has been canceled materials tea, washing powder , soap, and powdered milk (for adults), and Albaqulyat lentils, beans and chickpeas after it was distributed within the ration card items, with an estimated value of these materials per capita in the domestic market by about ten dollars without counting milk for children, while it is obtained through the ration card $ 250 dinars

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