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    Trump shocking Merkel and why?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Trump shocking Merkel and why? Empty Trump shocking Merkel and why?

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Mar 2017, 2:52 am

    Trump shocking Merkel and why?

    Arab and international Saturday 18 March 2017 time 17:13 pm (916 views)
    Trump shocking Merkel and why?
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    BAGHDAD / Sky Press:

    The US president's remarks came back, Donald Trump, controversial to the world stage, after demanding Germany pay the costs of what he called the protection provided by the US States to Germany, which, following a meeting with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

    Trump said "The meeting was good despite the fact that Germany city of NATO's huge money, and must be paid in United States high protection provided by Germany, which costs".

    The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has appeared in Almtvajih and distraught image, when he tried to President Donald Trump, the launch of a joke suggests that a common things between him and Merkel, is that the Obama administration eavesdropped on them.

    According to the newspaper "The Guardian" said Trump this joke "inappropriate", during a press conference which appeared publicly Features strained relationship between him and the German Chancellor.

    Merkel has been unable, nicknamed the "Iron Lady", hide amazed when Trump alluded to the "shared their experience in monitoring the previous government for them," Vhmlguet eyes remained staring at the American president, and it seems the feeling of shock.

      Current date/time is Mon 24 Jun 2024, 7:14 am