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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Apr 2017, 1:45 am

    In short

    The conduct of a tourist train Marshes

    announced a statement to the General Company for Railways affiliated to the Ministry of Transport, the conduct of a second train journey from Diwaniya to Suq station in Dhi Qar.
    The statement said: "For the success of past experience operates passenger trains to the Senate market area and the contribution of the General Company of Iraqi rail to revive the project included the effects of the Iraqi Marshlands to the World Heritage Organization (UNESCO) received the approval of the Director - General Salam Jaber Salloum on the conduct of passenger train and rent a holistic account company (Anwar Hospitality Tourism and travel). "

    The detention of a traffic policeman for assaulting a citizen

    Interior Minister Qassem al - Araji ordered, detained a traffic policeman had assaulted a person and his wife in front of Yarmouk Western Hospital Bgdad.oukalt the ministry in a statement seen "term" Alyy copy of it, "Interior Minister ordered the detention of a traffic policeman had assaulted someone and his wife in front of Yarmouk Hospital in preparation for taking legal action against him ".wanthr video communication site" Facebook ", shows a member of the traffic in the capital Baghdad, forcing the private car driver to surrender his identity papers threatening to beat up the citizen in front of his wife and punishing him by force.

    Storm uproots Palm in the university district

    quoted news sites vassal "range", " The palm tree fell because of a strong dust storm, and resulted in the downfall of major damage two civilian cars were near the scene of the fall of the Palm Spring Street west of the capital Baghdad university district without human casualties."
    The witness of the capital Baghdad, a wave of light to medium dust amid high temperatures and sintering overcast, heavy - speed winds and waiting for the fall of showers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, according to the announcement of ethnic circle air adversity.

    Salah al - Din: Civil Status transactions in violation of the regulations ,

    said a statement to the Office of the Inspector General at the Ministry of the Interior, he " was able to monitor the 189 treatment of issuing an Iraqi nationality certificate promoted contrary to the regulations and instructions in the Civil Status and Passports and Residence Directorate in Salah al - Din . " He added, " The issued report Salah al - Din inspection office said that the Bureau has formed a committee auditing , headed by Director of the Office Brigadier Ali Mahdi Hammoud , in order to check the files of issuance of Iraqi nationality certificate (issued the first time) in the conditions of the passports and the establishment of Salah al - Din Directorate Committee has seized 189 treatment out of 5,300 treatment verified by promoted and issued contrary to controls And instructions. "

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