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    Pentagon): the killing of the leader of the "Daesh" in Afghanistan last week

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Pentagon): the killing of the leader of the "Daesh" in Afghanistan last week Empty Pentagon): the killing of the leader of the "Daesh" in Afghanistan last week

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Apr 2017, 3:48 am

    Pentagon): the killing of the leader of the "Daesh" in Afghanistan last week

    It suggested the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) , the killing of the leader of the 'Daesh' in Afghanistan during an operation in the east of the country this week, during which two US soldiers were killed in circumstances still under investigation.

    He said ministry spokesman Jeff Davis said about 50 Americans and 40 soldiers of the Afghan Special Forces soldiers were airlifted Wednesday evening near the headquarters of the organization 'Daesh' in the state of Nangarhar (East) is used by Abdul Haseeb, the leader of the organization in Afghanistan , considered by the Pentagon.

    According to a statement of US forces in Afghanistan 'minutes after landing the joint forces came under heavy fire from different directions and combat positions are well - equipped'.

    The statement added , 'Despite this , our forces successfully managed dishes on the enemy and killed several high - ranking leaders from the Khorasan group and about 35 fighters'.

    The complex is located near the tunnel area where US forces dropped on April 13 'or bombs', which is the most powerful non - nuclear bomb , used by US forces in combat.

    Pentagon officials believe that Abdul Haseeb was killed during the operation, but no confirmation until the time, according to Davis.

    Statement of American leadership in Afghanistan , and noted that 'in the case be sure, the killing of Prince (Abdul Haseeb) and his followers will greatly affect the organization of operations in Afghanistan and will help us achieve our goal to destroy it in 2017'.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 12:04 pm