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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki: our young people massacred with the support of foreign countries do not need to activate the

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    Maliki: our young people massacred with the support of foreign countries do not need to activate the Empty Maliki: our young people massacred with the support of foreign countries do not need to activate the

    Post by Rocky Sat 17 Aug 2013, 7:20 am

    Maliki: our young people massacred with the support of foreign countries do not need to activate the role of the future generation

    Saturday, August 17 / August 2013 13:47 | PDF | Print | Send to a Friend

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said the activation of the role of youth Iraq is very important in building the state and the advancement of their betterment and stability of the political process, pointing out that Iraq massacred youth with the support of foreign countries did not mention her name.

    Maliki said in a speech during the celebration of World Youth Day in Baghdad and was attended by the correspondent of the Euphrates News Agency {} on Saturday that "all the experiences that we passed showed Iraqi youth leadership role and we hope to deal with the devastation left by the former regime For young people. "

    He pointed out that "natural The youth Nstanhi the nation to build the country because the youth is the one who builds and deepening the country but unfortunately, some young people adopt and the other sabotages"

    He added that "if we are strong people we youth development because they are at full capacity Thus there is an equation and always ask? Why do we have for young people? We are in a position of responsibility and we say A country without the support of young people support is void we want, where we want young people to be in the building and we have to provide all the supplies for them either to leave the young people a taste of terrorism and retire from life, this is unacceptable. "

    And that "young Iraqi has the right to build and establishes the house of study and stable him that the best investment is an investment in young people."

    He pointed out that "despite the difficulties and the imbalance is going through the country, killing and drain the energies of the state we were able to pick ourselves up by oil but terrorism insists disruption of oil wealth and this battle will remain long and do not necessarily talking about an international war engaged by thousands of weapons."

    And Astttrd Maliki Saying that "the Arab decision to Aechtzel and better than he wants to promote him to give to others and it is important to invest in young people and we must provide them with support in facilitating their mission and we did a good job and we will put capital to invest in young people."

    He stressed that "the responsibility today that diagnosed us as Iraqis is that it promote youth It is their access to state-building awareness in and respect for the men and women dealing per identity. "

    He pointed out that he "can not see our young people being slaughtered by the support of some foreign countries Thus awareness of the challenges you need to work on the ground, and that brings the sound of young men and women is to reject sectarianism and takfirist In order to build our country. "

    Maliki pointed out that "Iraq today is suffering In order to promote the country has to offer for young people all the requirements of decent living and we are required to work hard in the provision of services in order to be a respectable country . "

    He went to say that "Iraq today is respected by the withdrawal of occupation out of Iraq from Chapter VII and returned to its Arab and Iraq's Arab summit held thanks to the efforts of the good people."

    And the completion of al-Maliki "We need an effort of young people because the state alone can not be the adoption of the country" 'Mshidaa the need to "activate the private sector in order to no longer be an unemployed person . "

    Followers of the stresses that Iraqi Shan desired change and improvement in the life of the individual and the whole country is not only to activate the private sector and investment matched the fight against corruption and the elimination of this scourge and the unity of serious political and attitudes that have a significant effect on the general situation in the country.

    The religious authority in Najaf had said in one of his Friday sermons and on the lips of Mr. Ahmed Safi, who said that "part of the state's responsibility to its citizens to provide employment opportunities, especially after she became figures of unemployment in the country many," explaining that "the youth stage is the stage of flare energy and the search for what works, and a lot of our children, both graduates of institutes and colleges and graduate trying to achieve their chance and benefit in the know and develop their expertise in the service area of the country and this is which is Nrbém ".

    He said al-Maliki by saying that it was "the most important things is to provide housing for the Iraqi people and when we talk about Iraq must provide housing for young people and يكرموا in their country and we are involved in this way to all segments of society and all these things need to atmosphere in the fight against terrorism and the stability of political and social situation in Iraq.

    It is noteworthy that the celebration of youth, it had been decided on December 17, 1999, when the General Assembly adopted the United Nations in its resolution 54/120 recommendation made ​​by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth to be held on August 12, World Youth Day. Ended

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