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    Relief organizations opens a center for mental health in Tilkaif

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    Relief organizations opens a center for mental health in Tilkaif Empty Relief organizations opens a center for mental health in Tilkaif

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 May 2017, 1:40 am

    Relief organizations opens a center for mental health in Tilkaif

     translation: Range

    He says one of the slogans Daesh "cigarettes kill, and we also" with a picture of the blood drops coming from a cigarette on an ashtray glass show.
    Under the interpretation of the brutal group of Islamic law, smoking is a sin punishable by flogging. In 2015 the extremists grabbed citizen Ahmed Yasser in Tilkaif area, smoking and found a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, and they whipped cruelly and imprisoned in an underground prison with 120 others , some smoked and others drank wine, and others was the story of his hair fashionable or wearing trousers tight in their eyes.
    Ahmed says he was not thinking without death. Day atheist ten whisked them at dawn to one of the fields they expected that they Saadmohm.
    He added , "I thought that this is the end and I took pray and pray to God." But instead of shooting him, he broke his right arm and ordered him to return to the house blindfolded. He says , " The first thing I did after my departure is smoking, it is not easy to leave this habit addicted to them 32 years ago."
    Suffered Tilkaif destruction and destroyed most of the homes, which either remained intact , they Mnkhurh the effects of lead and full of mines.
    The parents returned and found no electricity or water or institutions only one hospital.
    Made "measures to fight hunger , " a group effort to give civilians the means to rebuild their lives , including water, food, sanitation and mental health care to help them overcome the shock of the past three years.
    He says Ms. gift "every day we smell the death." He killed her three children; one of them where he threw himself on a man who was trying to burn himself and died with him and the other two were working in the police Vokzhma militants.
    He says , "These are killers and demons are not Muslims." In the only health center in Tilkaif, doctors screened vaccines damaged equipment and repair the damage caused by the rockets.
    The working group action to fight hunger on the renewal of the hospital and the installation of pumps for the transfer of water wells to thousands of people, which had previously come from the water treatment plant in Mosul , who was in turn bombed.
    According to Anita Sarna, director of the charity affairs of Iraq, said the civilians were ordered to stay in their homes suffering from severe shortages of food and fuel. She adds that some people are suffering from malnutrition and that relief agencies are preparing for the deterioration of conditions in western Mosul areas.
    He says Ms. Anita "We are preparing for the most difficult fight in the old city where he cut off all supply routes, and we expect some cases of malnutrition. The longer the military operations , the greater the risk of malnutrition, and the more acute the basic needs of food and water and health care." The competent group psychotherapy teams hold mental health special sessions for traumatized families who witnessed the fighting and bombing and atrocities committed by Daesh group. The fear is still going on because the villages are still contaminated with unexploded IED planted by militants to slow down the progress of the Iraqi forces.
    Says Anita "in the east of Mosul , we are witnessing a lot of losses , where everything explodes once you touch it ." But amid the debris of hope it began to flourish.
    It is believed Younis Mahmoud al - Khafaji, who remained in Tilkaif during the occupation Daesh, that the Iraqis can build a new future, where he said , "I think I will see with my own eyes a prosperous country where Shiites, Sunnis and Christians live in harmony as we were before the arrival of Daesh. Some say that the Iraqis will not know the future non - war, but I am confident that we will overcome these circumstances together. "
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