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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Injection of oil wells with fresh water in Basra continues

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Injection of oil wells with fresh water in Basra continues Empty Injection of oil wells with fresh water in Basra continues

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 May 2017, 3:39 am

    Injection of oil wells with fresh water in Basra continues

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News

    The Oil and Energy Committee confirmed that although many of Albesrien had invited to the Ministry of Oil and the need to inject oil wells with sea water instead of water from the Shatt al-Arab, but the old injection operations are still ongoing.

    A member of the committee and deputy in the province of Basra, Mazen Mezni, for "Journal News" on Saturday, "The injection of salt water wells, the case of a large project and there are studies by the Oil Ministry in this regard, and this moment is not signed any contract in this regard."

    He added that "the issue of the use of sea water of the issues under discussion and the most useful and closest to the ground, and there are some performances by international companies to cooperate in order to complete the project."

    He stressed that "the Oil and Energy Committee has held several conferences to discuss the project, but remains the last opinion of the technical committees at the Oil Ministry, which submitted their reports to the House of Representatives."

    He noted that "the Commission will support the decision of the Minister's oil with salt water so as not to be there Andtharat no shortage of oil extraction process according to the ministry's vision."

    He pointed out that "it was a plan to take the approvals developed by the prime minister and all relevant ministries including the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Municipalities to start the project service to the province of Basra, which suffers mainly from the scarcity of safe drinking water."

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