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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International Press

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    International Press Empty International Press

    Post by Rocky Sat 08 Jul 2017, 1:53 am

    International Press

    Foreign Policy: Trump insists on the deportation of hundreds of Christian refugees to legitimize travel ban

    Foreign Policy magazine said that US President Donald Trump administration insists on the deportation of Iraqi Christian refugees despite what awaits them great and serious risks, in an attempt to legitimize the decision to travel issued by Trump against the citizens of ban 6 countries with a Muslim majority.
    She said the American magazine, in a report Thursday, the scene inside the Detroit court last month, where hundreds of Iraqis waiting to rule on deportation to their country they came from fleeing violence and murder.
    She explained that the scene in the US Detroit court on June 21 was mixed with anger and anxiety. And wait for dozens of Iraqi citizens to know whether their relatives will be deported detainees and other members of the community in Detroit. Outside the courtroom stop hundreds who waved banners saying "Trump / penny Osamaona .. We voted for you .. Christians deported to Iraq genocide."
    Earlier in the month of June, one of the largest Iraqi Christian groups have been abroad for raids launched by US immigration authorities and customs officials so as to track them down doors, which led to confusion in the churches. It has been arrested about 114 people in the Detroit metropolitan area. Some of the detainees are Muslims, but the vast majority belong to the Chaldean and Assyrian Christian communities. All detainees have been transferred to a prison in preparation for their deportation to their country from which they run.
    Reveals the magazine that about 1444 Iraqis are being prepared for deportation and that those who are not refugees recently to the United States, but those living there since the first Gulf War and have criminal records, and that most of them allowed them government to remain under the supervision of the competent authorities for decades, as well as many of Almsjnin now They have been rehabilitated and become productive members of society.

    The Guardian: continued detention of judges in Turkish prisons reflects the repression of Erdogan 's opposition

    newspaper " The Guardian" British commented on the participation of thousands of Turks in the march of "justice" from Ankara to Istanbul, which began on June 15 last and will reach Maltiba province of Istanbul next Sunday, to protest the dismantling of the judiciary in the country, stressing that the continuation of these protests reflects the repression of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan 's opponents.
    The newspaper pointed out that there are hundreds of former judges and prosecutors are still being held in Turkish prisons without trial, since the coup attempt witnessed by Turkey last year. The newspaper pointed out that interviews with former members of the judiciary and their families and legal experts, defense lawyers and senior lawmakers revealed an attempt wide and systematic intimidation and the restructuring of the judiciary in Turkey, in order to strengthen the ruling Justice and Development Party authority, and the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
    Experts say, that the fight against the justice system in Turkey undermines a fundamental pillar of democracy in a country still suffering from the effects of the coup attempt in the past year, as evidenced by a political polarization does not seem that way to retreat.

      Current date/time is Thu 19 Sep 2024, 8:30 pm