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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Crowding tribes: the absence of prosecution returned the wanted and foster families to Anbar

    Admin Assist
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    Crowding tribes: the absence of prosecution returned the wanted and foster families to Anbar   Empty Crowding tribes: the absence of prosecution returned the wanted and foster families to Anbar

    Post by Rocky Sat 19 Aug 2017, 3:56 am

    Crowding tribes: the absence of prosecution returned the wanted and foster families to Anbar  

    The leader of the popular crowd in Anbar province, Sheikh "Qatry al-Sammarid" (Saturday), the return of a number of wanted and the families of the organization calling for liberated areas because of the lack of lawsuits against them and the fear of citizens to report them.

    "The liberated areas of Anbar cities, including the district of Hit and al-Baghdadi, have witnessed the return of a number of families to the organization and there are those who confirm the presence of wanted people in those areas and the reason for not arresting and prosecuting them is the lack of lawsuits against them," Al-Sammar told the Journal News.

    "The people of the liberated areas are afraid of the return of terrorism and this has led to the failure to file lawsuits and to report security about wanted persons who have been among the cells in the past years," he added.

    "Al-Anbar needs to reconcile with its people and tribes first and unite the word to eliminate terrorism and build a real basis for cooperation between the citizen and the security services during the post-urgent period," he said.

    The districts of Ramadi and Hit recently witnessed the return of dozens of families of the organization calling the terrorist to the liberated areas, while the security leaders and local governments demanded the need to expel them and prosecute those wanted by them.

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