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    Washington insists on amending the nuclear deal with Tehran despite international rejection

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Washington insists on amending the nuclear deal with Tehran despite international rejection Empty Washington insists on amending the nuclear deal with Tehran despite international rejection

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Sep 2017, 2:35 am

    Washington insists on amending the nuclear deal with Tehran despite international rejection

    Washington insists on amending the nuclear deal with Tehran despite international rejection 7a931d82542acb5804b428cee1fa637d-660x330

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said his country was seeking to modify the nuclear deal with Iran, saying attempts to persuade other signatories to the nuclear deal appeared daunting, but he remained optimistic.
    The New York Times quoted Tillerson at a news conference after meeting his 5 + 1 counterparts, including the United States, France, Brazil, Germany, Russia and China, as well as Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Jawad Zarif, who met Tilerson for the first time - "It was a good opportunity to meet and shake hands, there was no angry tone, and it was a very practical discussion."
    The United States Secretary of State admitted at the New York Times conference in its electronic version that the UN inspectors found Iran technically "committed" to the nuclear agreement, but noted that Tehran violated the larger aspirations of the agreement by engaging in activities that Unrest in secret.
    Tillerson said on Tuesday that US President Donald Trump wanted to redraft the 5 + 1 nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 in Vienna, saying the United States was looking for support from its allies to persuade Iran to reopen negotiations On the nuclear deal.
    For her part, Federica Mujerini, EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security, who chaired the 90-minute meeting, refused to cancel or renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran, noting that the international community can not afford to cancel an agreement already reached Implemented.
    Mujerini pointed out that this agreement prevented a nuclear program, and stopped the military intervention was possible.

      Current date/time is Mon 24 Jun 2024, 7:12 am