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    Newspaper reveals the content of a message received by Abadi from eight US lawmakers on Kurdistan

    Admin Assist
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     Newspaper reveals the content of a message received by Abadi from eight US lawmakers on Kurdistan Empty Newspaper reveals the content of a message received by Abadi from eight US lawmakers on Kurdistan

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Nov 2017, 4:08 am

    Newspaper reveals the content of a message received by Abadi from eight US lawmakers on Kurdistan

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    revealed a Gulf newspaper, Saturday, about the content of a message received by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi of the eight members of the US Senate on the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil , while referring to the decline of the Kurdish leadership for prior approval to withdraw from all the areas that want the governmentcentral Restore control. 

    The newspaper "Arabs" in the context of a report briefed by Alsumaria News it, "Abadi received on Friday, a letter from eight members of the US Senate, asking him to put an end to fears of the outbreak of war between Baghdad and Erbil, and called for the removal of the popular crowd from disputed areas on her".

    She added that "US lawmakers urged Abadi to accept the offer of Kurdistan freeze the results of the referendum, and expressed their concern about the use of US weapons in an internal Iraqi conflict." 

    The newspaper quoted sources familiar with the scenes of negotiations between the delegations of Baghdad and Erbil military as saying that there is "a retreat by the Kurdish leadership of the prior consent to withdraw from all areas that Baghdad wants to regain control." 

    The sources pointed out that "the reality of the negotiations changed a lot, after the Kurds have recognized all the demands of Baghdad during the rounds of previous negotiations, they now seek a degree of equality in their negotiations with the central government."

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