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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: Draft amendment to the personal status law is a great insult to the humanity of Iraqi women

    Admin Assist
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    Deputy: Draft amendment to the personal status law is a great insult to the humanity of Iraqi women Empty Deputy: Draft amendment to the personal status law is a great insult to the humanity of Iraqi women

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Nov 2017, 3:26 am

    Deputy: Draft amendment to the personal status law is a great insult to the humanity of Iraqi women

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    BAGHDAD - The 
    deputy of the coalition of Iraqi Sabah al-Tamimi, on Sunday, that the draft amendment to the personal status law is a "great insult to the humanity" of Iraqi women, indicating that the fragmentation of the provisions of the Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 amended will lead to divisions between sects and religions. 

    Tamimi said in a statement received Alsumaria News a copy of it, "The law of personal status in force is derived from the womb of Islamic law and is based on the doctrine of Jaafari and Hanafi and does not have any Western principle or importer with the stability of law in practice and became a solid context in Iraqi society." 

    She added that "the fragmentation of the provisions of the Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 amending and fragmentation will lead to divisions between sects and religions and establish sectarianism," noting that "the new legislation does not mean the rights of women in itself, but will destroy the unity of the Iraqi people as a whole." 

    "It is supposed to hold hearings with civil society organizations concerned with legal and societal issues to present amendments and recommendations before proceeding with its legislation," she said. "There is no urgent need by the society for such legislation that perpetuates discrimination and violence against women." 

    She went on to say that "the draft amendment to the personal status law is a great insult to the humanity of Iraqi women, which will become a commodity in the hands of the new law." 

    It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives voted in principle, at its meeting held on (1 November 2017), on the proposal to amend the draft law on personal status.

    To support Iraq (UNAMI), on Friday (10 November 2017), to engage in comprehensive and extensive consultations on amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law to ensure full respect for women's rights, stressing the urgent need to develop legal and institutional strategies to eliminate discrimination against women and girls .

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