BAGHDAD / The Dawa Party described on Sunday the news of the transfer of Vice President Nuri al-Maliki to the judiciary as "folly", stressing the maintenance of the right of legal accountability. The party said in a statement, "condemns the Islamic Dawa Party and strongly condemns what committed by the morning newspaper The Iraqi on Sunday 3/12 of the crap of lying and falsification against the Secretary-General Mujahid Nuri al-Maliki through the published on the yellow papers of a clear distortion of the speech of the Chairman of the Integrity Committee Hassan al-Yasiri, "noting that" these reports constitute a flagrant abuse of a large national symbol and Islamic personality known jihad And serving Iraq, and fought corruption "The newspaper added that" what the newspaper carried out is a violation of the principles of neutral professional journalism ", warning" this newspaper and other media of such despicable behavior in the mixing of papers and deepen differences and conflicts in the Iraqi arena. "The party stressed that" retains The newspaper "Al-Sabah" semi-official, on Sunday, received the "referral of Vice-President of the judiciary" to meet with Yasiri, while confirming it was a typographical error. "The newspaper's editor, Abbas Abboud , In a tweet to him via his Twitter account, that "he responded to a typographical line in Laka Al-Sabah newspaper with the head of the Integrity Commission, Hassan al-Yasiri, who spoke about referring the deputy prime minister to the investigation earlier, "noting that" the words Vice-President of the Republic, which received a typewriter apologize to the Vice-President of the Republic and to our audience. "The integrity, Denied today, news of referral of Vice President of the Republic to the judiciary on the grounds of illegal gain. The semi-official Al-Sabah newspaper reported today that the head of the Integrity Commission, Hassan al-Yasiri, confirmed that the red lines had ended, while referring to the referral of the three vice presidents and other ministers to the judiciary. "The law of graft is still without a legal framework and without a political class, which supports it in a way that makes it complicated," al-Sabah said. "Nevertheless, we were able to refer the three vice-presidents to the judiciary on charges of graft, as well as other ministers with the same charge. "It is proof that the red lines have been raised, and the investigations have affected many ministers and those of their rank."