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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2013, 3:53 am

    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    12/15/2013 12:43

    Baghdad morning
    sent the parliamentary Finance Committee, today, a request to clarify the reasons for the delay in sending the draft budget of 2014 to the House of Representatives worried about the delay in approval during the next four months.

    Said a member of the Finance Committee Hassan al-Bayati said in an interview to a reporter Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) “We fear failure to approve the 2014 budget during the next three months so quick to send the request to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to explain the reasons for the delay all this time. ” He added that “there are fears the delay in approving the budget has to Atqr during the next three months,” expected “in approving the budget in less than a month after arriving at the House of Representatives.”

    did not explain the government’s reasons for the delay in the budget, saying only that the technical reasons behind the delay in sending.

    and Cabinet had decided last Tuesday to increase the members of the committee to prepare next year’s budget by 2014 and to extend its work on the basis of the new data were produced by the discussion of the draft budget.

    , and the Finance Ministry said last month that a sub-committee of the Council of Ministers began discussions of the federal budget for 2014 before submission to the Board for discussion and approval.

    The federal budget for the year Next 176.5 trillion dinars, which is the largest in the history of Iraq, which has paid the most attention to file energy, security and services.

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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Re: Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    Post by mochasmom Mon 16 Dec 2013, 6:15 am

    How do they go from "next two weeks" to 3 months now?
    Wayne Irby
    Wayne Irby
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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Re: Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    Post by Wayne Irby Mon 16 Dec 2013, 6:25 am

    It's Iraq!, King of delays!
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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Re: Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    Post by wayoutnow Mon 16 Dec 2013, 7:21 am

    Relax. !!!! Later to day we will get article s saying it's done or needs reading again !!! Little smoke to go with UR morning coffee !!!!!
    Interacting Investor
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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Re: Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

    Post by Screwball Tue 17 Dec 2013, 4:58 am

    Yeah and it might be the suplementry budget that brings us the elusive rv? Lol... Oh the dramas!

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    Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014 Empty Re: Finance Committee requests an explanation for reasons behind the delay in Iraq’s 2014

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