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    Financial Parliament: the region owes billions of dollars for the center

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Financial Parliament: the region owes billions of dollars for the center Empty Financial Parliament: the region owes billions of dollars for the center

    Post by Rocky Thu 27 Feb 2014, 4:27 am

    [size=12.66]Financial Parliament: the region owes billions of dollars for the center

    2/27/2014 0:00

    Not a solution to disagreements budget
    BAGHDAD - morning approved the parliamentary Finance Committee continually differences on the budget, which could lead to delays in other under a state of inertia experienced by the House of Representatives. ruled out the inclusion of the budget law in today's session or sessions next week. Committee member Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri He stressed that "differences on the budget still exist between the federal government and the provincial government, has not been so far to reach an agreement, and this adversely affects the approval," unlikely to be passed until a majority of the inability of Parliament to complete redress because of withdrawals and absences of the blocks and the House of Representatives. said Yassiri In his statement the "morning": "So far there is no agreement on the draft general budget because of the dispute the old with the new Kurdistan Alliance. wish to continue the talks between Baghdad and Erbil for resolving things." confirmed the inability of the Parliament of the adoption of the draft general budget amid the withdrawal of coalition Kurdistan and the province are united and the absence of some of the blocks. either the most prominent differences that still hinder the adoption of the budget, he said Yassiri: "the most prominent impediments to pass a file of oil issued by the province, which is proven in the budget to deliver 400 000 barrels a day to Baghdad, setting as a condition in the law, otherwise deducted from the allocations provincial financial commensurate with the breach of its obligations, especially as the previous budgets, the province exported oil without specifying the quantity, and this has led to a deficit in, and incurred debts owed
    [/size][size=12.66]​​[/size][size=12.66]by the Kurdistan region of up to billions of dollars., and continued a member of the Committee that "the Ba[/size][size=12.66]ghdad government and put this requirement in order to Do not repeat the tragedy in previous years, namely that the province delivers 400 000 barrels per day, if failed payment shall be deducted the amount from their budget by the imbalance, and that is why the foundation of a dispute between Baghdad and the province, which is explained by the Kurds as a punishment for them. , and continued by saying: "The budget under These problems and near an election may be gone to the next parliament, especially as the election cycle ends on 14/6, but there is an election in 30 quarters and blocs month before the election will devote themselves for the elections. " As a member of the Kurdistan Alliance Dler Abdul Qadir has said that so far no is no agreement on the budget, noting that it (the budget) mixed up with political issues. Abdul Kadir said the "morning": that "the Kurds do not see the budget, economic and financial, but mixed up with political issues," calling to bring out the balance of political issues until it is approved, and that there is a deal between Baghdad and Erbil on the fundamental issues. and MP that the dispute is essential on some things still exist, and according to the Constitution to the federal government and the provincial administration's oil policy is common, indicating that the objection territory on the company "Sumo" because they want representatives them in, especially because it is one of the formations and the Ministry of Oil, and what a pity that many of the institutions of Iraq where there is no balance and the creation of the current dispute, he said.

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