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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Deputies: 72 degrees are still under review

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputies: 72 degrees are still under review Empty Deputies: 72 degrees are still under review

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Jul 2019, 5:48 am

    Deputies: 72 degrees are still under review

    12:42 - 11/07/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Legal Committee confirmed on Thursday that the remaining 72-degree special grades are under scrutiny and are likely to complete grade files over the next two months.
    The member of the Committee MP Salim Hamza said in a statement to / information /, "The file of special grades completed a large proportion, leaving only 72 degrees and is under scrutiny," noting that "the completion of the file grades will end within two months from now."
    Hamza added that "what was rumored by some media that there is an intention to submit a draft law for the special grades is incorrect and even a request has been made by the members."
    A member of the parliamentary legal committee Mohamed al-Ghazi revealed in a previous statement, on Thursday, the submission of a bill for special grades determines the way the selection is made on the basis that the decisions taken by those grades will affect the functioning of executive affairs in the State. Ending / 25

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